
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Check Out Footage from Sunday's True Blood Finale NOW!

HBO's vampire drama True Blood has been building all season to a fever pitch, and even managed to reel me back in after apathy had begun to set in during some of the earlier episodes. And now, the premium cable network has made some brief video clips available which give some hints as to what we might expect this coming weekend, when the last episode of Season 3 airs.

First, we get some indication that there may be more to that whole fairies/aliens comparison than we originally suspected. Then, we've got a soap-operatastic scene between Tara and Sam, in which Mr. Merlotte seems to be on the verge of revealing a very important detail about himself. And finally, Hoyt's momma continues her overbearing ways, made even worse upon the discovery of a big ol' vampire hickey on her baby boy's neck. Check it all out below, True Blood-hounds...

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