
Friday, October 19, 2007

Original Hitchcock Star Says Remake Is for the Birds

In a rare turn of events, one of the stars of a horror classic is taking a vocal stand against the rash of remakes that many fans feel is plaguing the industry these days. It's Tippi Hedren, leading lady in the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock favorite The Birds (still gorgeous at 77, by the way.) She had some choice words about the proposed redux that's been tossed around lately in a recent MTV interview. Check it out here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Look how georgeous she was in that pic you have there. Good on her. I have seen this movie within the last year and I still found it scary. I love birds but wouldn't want to be surrounded by them like that.

  3. I love birds too, but not when they're trying to peck my eyes out! lol
