
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Werewolf Women of the S.S.: The Movie?

A post made by Rob Zombie on his blog yesterday has internet fanboys all a-tingle. You see, Zombie, that sly devil, posed the question, "How many of you would like to see a full length movie of Werewolf Women of the S.S.?" For those who didn't see it, Werewolf Women of the S.S. was the fake trailer that Zombie contributed to Grindhouse, along with other directors such as Eli Roth. Rumor has it that Sybill Danning, who appeared in the trailer, had also alluded to a possible feature film a few months ago. Could be interesting. Personally, I'm still holding out hope for Machete: The Movie...
Check out the original WWOTSS trailer below:

* 12/21 UPDATE * Rob Zombie has made an official comment to Bloody-Disgusting that he is "seriously considering" this project.


  1. We saw Rob Zombie last Friday night on his new tour, great show... he had these giant projection screens above the stage full of horror clips and fire and tits and evilthing else you can imagine. During the encore he showed the Werewolf Women trailer. It was much better in the context of his concert as I thought his trailer was the weakest of them all in Grindhouse.

    I'm actually waiting for the DON'T movie!

  2. Yeah, I think the general consensus was that Werewolf was the weakest one. Still...I can't help but think Zombie has it in him to make this a cult classic.

  3. The other thing Rob was displaying on those giant concert screens above the stage was what looked to me to be stuff from The Haunted World of El Superbeasto. Seems like this animated feature has been in the works forever.

  4. Although I agree it was one of the weakest trailers, I think Zombie could really make something worth watching out of it. I actually really enjoyed what he's put out, I just hope he stays away from more remakes.

  5. YES! The Halloween remake nearly ruined all the good will he built up with The Devil's Rejects.

  6. Exactly. I have no idea why he tampered with a good thing. If people are, for the most part, enjoying your original works- why touch a classic? Tsk, tsk.
