
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Will Megan Fox Be Naked or Not?

Vault-Dwellers, never let it be said that I'm afraid to tackle the tough issues. Every now and then, there are stories which crop up and call out to my finely honed journalistic instincts--and by gum, this is one of them.

Earlier this summer, the internets were set ablaze when word got out about the painfully hot Megan Fox baring all in her new Diablo Cody-penned, Jason Reitman-produced horror-comedy Jennifer's Body. Actually, it was more than "word" that got out, thanks to an intrepid camera-wielding set spy. It seemed to be a bold move for an up-and-coming actress in the year 2008. I applauded her courage and professionalism.

But now, a review posted on is indicating that the producers of the film may have had second thoughts and removed the much-heralded topless footage of Ms. Fox. Specifically, someone claiming to have seen an advanced screening of the movie--persuaded, in fact, to see it with the promise of Fox's mammarian exposure--declares that no such footage appears in the picture. Cue the booing and hissing of conservative studio reactionism.

However, upon further investigation into the matter, I discovered an interview Reitman gave on the Howard Stern show last spring, in which he explicitly stated that although Fox is topless in Jennifer's Body, the parts in question would in fact be tastefully concealed under her hair. Therefore, I submit to the disappointed JoBlo reviewer that perhaps the plan was never to show such nudity in the finished movie at all. Rather, it would appear that the spy photos represented an unfilmed moment between takes, and were not snapped while cameras were rolling.

So there you have it--hard-hitting news brought to you as only The Vault of Horror can. I'll take my Edward R. Murrow Award now, thank you very much.


  1. Erm, I hate to be THAT guy, but Jason Reitman didn't direct Jennifer's Body. He had some producing duties, I think, but he definitely didn't direct.

  2. Well, thank you very much for being THAT guy--correction noted!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well, I was doubting there would be any actual nudity after seeing the nipple covers, lol. If there was, though, I wouldnt have been surprised. I'm more worried about how the movie is going to turn out, I cant believe theyre doing a horror-comedy. After seeing the Drag Me to Hell footage from comic con, I'm feeling really uneasy about this sudden surge of horror comedies. Regardless of whether or not I like them, I just hope they help the genre instead of hurt it :P

  5. Am I the only person who thinks Megan Fox is creepy? After reading her Maxim interview from when Transformers came out, I just got this f-ed up vibe from her.

    I'm also sick of Diablo Cody (and I didn't even see Juno). I hope she follows the career path of the "Boondock Saints" guy and disappears.

  6. While she is very physically attractive, I wouldn't be surprised if there was something very weird about her. She does have a vacant kind of vibe going on. And any 22-year-old who's already had her face sliced up like that gives me the creeps already.
