
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Don LaFontaine 1940-2008

Those of you who don't recognize the name may recognize him by his other name, Movie Trailer Voice-Over Guy. The man who became famous as the voice of more than 5,000 trailers over the past 40 years--and brought the phrase "In a world..." into the popular lexicon in the process--is no more. Don LaFontaine passed away on Monday, ironically from a collapsed lung suffered as a result of a blood clot.

An entire generation of movie-goers will forever associate that omnipresent, ominous voice of his with the many films he helped tease. Naturally, among the most memorable, and the most suited to his trademark delivery, were horror flicks. Here are some of the very best:

Godspeed, Mr. LaFontaine. In a time when nothing is as it seems, one man made a difference. One man changed all the rules. And nothing will ever be the same...again.

1 comment:

  1. RIP Don. Great little retrospect/article too. I'm sure he'd be proud of your closing line. How could read it and not do his voice inside their head.
