
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Watch Horror Flicks Online for Free this Halloween Season

Those of you who are already aware of the free video-on-demand website Joost may have already seen this, but for those who haven't, they're doing a cool little promotion this month called Special Effects not Included: Halloween Movies.

Basically, Joost offers videos--including films--that are in the public domain, which is why they are able to offer them for free. This month, they've gathered together a wildly erratic, though fun, group of horror movies for your enjoyment.

For example, included in the bunch are Nosferatu, Night of the Living Dead and Ghidorah the 3-Headed Monster, all available completely free in their entirety. But in addition, you also have some of the most howlingly bad schlock ever committed to celluloid. Such as: Attack of the Giant Leeches (bottom-of-the-barrel atomic age radiation flick), Class of Nuke 'Em High (the movie that put Troma on the map), Fear Chamber (one of Boris Karloff's last films), Dracula vs. Frankenstein (pictured; from '60s/'70s master hack Al Adamson), The Devil Bat (obscure 1940 Bela Lugosi B-movie) and Creature of the Haunted Sea (an early Roger Corman effort).

Definitely worth a look, whether it's to enjoy a genuinely good monster movie at your computer desk or laptop, or to partake in the guilty pleasure of a so-bad-it's-good turkey. This is a pretty nifty service.


  1. That's good to know. You can also
    see free movies online at They have some great horror flicks to view. I just saw Waxwork on there. Saw Evil Dead 2 on there a while back. They seem change their selection often. Hulu has Pumpkinhead and 28 Days Later among others.

  2. i think there may be better movies on these online places than on the cable tv that you have to pay waaay too much per month for! lol!

  3. Thanks for the site. I've been wanting to watch Gore-Gore Girls for a while, but haven't gotten around to hunting it down.

    Sunday's looking up.
