
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

See Monsters vs. Aliens Trailer Three Days Early

First of all, how could you not automatically love a movie that's called Monsters vs. Aliens? I'm not usually a big fan of Dreamworks' animated films, but this one, at least from the trailer, looks like it may be nearly as ingenious and funny as anything Pixar has put out there. I can honestly say I laughed out loud, a couple of times. The trailer will be running in theaters along with Madagascar: Back to Africa starting this weekend. But you can have a look for yourselves right now, courtesy of TrailerAddict:


  1. Your trailer told me that the link could not be found - your comments intrigued me though, so I checked it out, on YouTube. . .

    You are correct, this movie looks Great!! :-)

  2. Really? It's working fine for me. Well, I'm glad you were able to check it out anyway.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Unfortunate that the trailer has been removed but I caught a leaked version of it about a month or so back. It looks fantastic.

  5. I actually went to trailer addict yesterday and they had taken it down at the studios request, but I watched it here just fine :P

    Anyway... Monsters FTW! Aliens can suck it! (The trailer made me giggle alot) And its gonna be in 3D no less.

    Also, dont forget about Shrek. ...1 & 3, 2 not so much.

  6. ^^

    Yep, looks like it's back up now. Woo.
