
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Will Smith on Future of I Am Legend Franchise

There's been a lot of speculation and rumors flying around lately as to whether there will be a follow-up to Will Smith's smash hit I Am Legend. Most recently, an unconfirmed rumor had it that a direct sequel was in the works. However, Smith himself recently spoke out at a press conference for his new movie Seven Pounds, and here's what he had to say on the matter:

"We have a fantastic prequel idea…we’re still trying to work through a couple of bumps in the story. It’s essentially the fall of the last city – the last stand of Manhattan. The movie would be…within the body of the movie D.C. and then Manhattan would fall as the last city. It’s a really cool idea trying to figure it out…there’s a reason why we have to take a small band and we have to get into D.C. So we have to make our way from New York to D.C. and then back to New York."

So it looks like it will, in fact, be a prequel, which, I have to admit, makes a lot more sense, and has a little more appeal to it. While I wasn't the biggest fan of the first one (I much prefer the Vincent Price version), I'm a bit intrigued at exploring territory that was previously only hinted at in Richard Matheson's novel and previous film incarnations.

* * * * * * * * * *

I'd also like to report that my interview with Victor Miller, screenwriter of the original Friday the 13th, went extremely well yesterday, and you can look forward to it in the very near future (most likely in blogcast form). Miller talks about everything from admittedly ripping off Halloween, the origin of the name Jason Voorhees, and Friday the 13th's indebtedness to Psycho, to his refusal to watch any of the sequels, his falling out with Sean Cunningham, and his thoughts on the upcoming remake. Very interesting stuff. Stay tuned.


  1. I'm totally interesting in see another movie for I Am Legend and only if it's laid out as a prequel. After that last scene in I Am Legend, I have no interest in seeing what happens next.

  2. I agree Jo, there's much more interesting material to be mined with a prequel. And btw, welcome back to the original Vault Dweller! ;-)

  3. B-Sol,

    I'm a huge fan of I Am Legend. I've seen the film three times.

    What I like about the film is Will Smith's performance, because really it's his performance that carries the movie. He's. Just. Great.

    Prequel is a cool idea. That's for the scoop! :-)


    P.S Look forward to the Miller interview. Thanks!

  4. Ha, I mean "thanks" for the scoop.


  5. I saw I Am Legend and I, Robot almost back to back and was much more impressed by I Am Legend. The prequel sounds cool.

  6. I don't really go anywhere, B-Sol. I just feel a little guilty using my place of employment for accessing all my horror needs. My blackberry is good for everything but blogging/reading blogs. I need a new computer in a bad, bad way, hahah. :D
