
Friday, May 15, 2009

VAULT VLOG: Lamenting the Jekyll & Hyde Situation


  1. Nice Vlog. No anger management issues this time, but your melancholy shines through like a dreary rainy day.

    I am gettin gthe impression that the Whitaker/50 Cent version is a comedy.

    On the other hand, maybe Keanu will find a bottle of that stuff Tom Creuise drank before he had his turn as Lestat. If I recall, most people, Anne Rice included, were aghast at his casting, only to reverse later.

  2. True. But ya know what? I still say Cruise was wrong for that. Dream casting at the time for Lestat and Louis would've been Rutger Hauer and Daniel Day-Lewis, but that's just my opinion.

  3. (laughing) I share your concerns, my friend. When I heard about the Reeves movie I just sat there shaking my head for a while, and then started bitching about it to anyone who would listen. One of my friends said "I can just imagine it--he drinks the potion. His eyes narrow by a millimeter, and he says 'whoa'."

    As for the Whittaker/Fitty movie, I certainly HOPE it's a comedy.

  4. I would assume that Fiddy was the Hyde analog in the Forrest/Fiddy production. I'm seeing a gangsta'ed up Nutty Professor thing going on with Whitaker as the nebbish, brainy dude who transforms into the streety 50 when panicked or after he drinks a new celebrity power drink or something.

  5. You like Bram Stokers Dracula? Really?

    Anyways, it's definitely sad that Jekyll and Hyde, which I've also always enjoyed, is getting shafted so hard.

    Though I'll wait to see some footage first before I crap on it. The Keanu one that is since the other will be crap no doubt. However, since the Wolfman trailer was so shockingly awesome, I'm holding out that perhaps Jekyll and Hyde will get a similarly worthy looking treatment.

  6. You never know Keanu can pull his finger out and produce some good performances. I suggest people check out the BBC mini-series starring James Nesbit 'Jekyll' I thought it was brilliant.

  7. all i have to say is.... "Much Ado About Nothing".

    because thats going to be his performance as Hyde. Promise...


  8. Ugh....yes, another otherwise great movie that he almost ruined...

  9. Maybe they could do the whole thing in mime and then I could just watch Nenanu in his 'hush now' glory! Hhahahahaha!
