
Friday, July 3, 2009

Because Boo Berry Never Gets Enough Love...

Here's the little bugger's first appearance, from back in 1973. Gotta love the Peter Lorre voice!


  1. Great post, but now I am craving some Boo-Berry!!!

  2. It's true, Boo Berry is always overlooked because of his older brothers. Even Franken Berry seems to be more popular.

    But because of that, at Halloween time I decide to give Boo Berry some love and neglect Count Chocula.

  3. Do these cereals sill exist? And you feed them to your children? The ad is soooo cute, but I am concerned for the sugar levels of your population...

  4. To be honest, I was never allowed to go near them as a kid. It was only when I grew up that I went nuts and ate all the crap I was never allowed to. But yeah, I will admit to being guilty of allowing my own kids to partake of the sugary goodness. Although we do try to take the marshmallows out whenever possible...
