
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Horror Blogs You Should Be Reading

I'm inspired tonight by an excellent little piece published today on by Brad McHargue of I Love Horror, a proud fellow member of the League of Tana Tea-Drinkers. It's all about the phenomenon of horror blogging, and it got me thinking of the various blogs I personally love reading, and which I'd like to recommend to you fine people tonight, if you're not already reading them, that is.

Needless to say, Brad's own blog is among them--it's an unflinchingly frank take on the genre that's well worth checking out, even if he likes to bash every single frickin' movie he reviews (well, except Orphan, he loved that one). Really, McHargue, lighten up man! And of course, anyone who reads my blog knows I can't recommend highly enough The Vault's sister blog, the completely unique Day of the Woman. But aside from those two, I urge you guys to check out:

Pierre Fournier's loving journey through the universe of everyone's favorite flesh golem is truly indispensible. It was one of the first horror blogs I fell in love with, and I think you will, too. Mr. Fournier's knowledge of Mary Shelley's creation is encyclopedic. Join him as he regularly spotlights the countless manifestations this timeless piece of literature has taken in our culture...

Brian Collins is one determined and dedicated dude. This guy has taken it upon himself to watch a different horror movie every single day and review it for his readers. Now that's hardcore. Sometimes they may be classics, but just as often they're dreck, causing me to have even more respect for the passion he brings to the table!

What a brilliant concept. An entire blog dedicated to the horrific stuff that scared the crap out of us as kids. The uniqueness of this blog has gotten it a fair amount of attention, as it should. Let Unkle Lancifer and company take you by the hand for a twisted walk down memory lane, and while you're at it, feel free to share your own personal childhood terror anecdotes!

The Horrors of It All
When The Vault of Horror was just getting off the ground, it was Karswell of THOIA who gave me some valuable words of advice in horror blogging. For anyone who loves pre-code horror comics, namely the wondrous output of EC Comics, this is your ultimate online destination. You'll even find high-res, printable scans of the actual comics themselves!

Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire
Tenebrous Kate is one of a kind, and you gotta love her. She's got style, she's got a bottomless love for twisted exploitation horror, plus she has a bizarre fixation on entertainment involving nuns. Look to her excellent blog for a horror perspective that's extremely cool, well-informed and always clever as hell. This is one smart horror blogger, with one heck of a voice.

The Lightning Bug's Lair
A visual feast that's jam-packed with special features and insightful reviews. The Lightning Bug is one of the horror blogosphere's most knowledgeable souls, and truth be told, it was his relentless dedication to regular features that gave me the boot in the ass needed to create some of my own here in The Vault! Thanks, Bug!

Freddy in Space
I'm going to call this the finest horror blog that has yet to be invited into the LoTT-D. Simple as that. Johnny Boots has a head for horror content, as well as an insightful mind for horror commentary. I can't tell you how many times he's come up with an idea that had me hitting myself in the head wishing I had come up with it first (Name That Zombie, anyone?). Plus, he's got giveaways out the yin-yang!

In It for the Kills
The subtitle of this blog is "Horror Perspectives"--and rightfully so. Erin Lashley has a strong love of B-movies and cult horrors from the '70s to the present, and it shows in this wonderful blog. This one is filled with great reviews. And I recently had the pleasure of contributing to it myself!

McBeardo's Midnight Movies
My most recent discovery, and boy am I glad I found it! McBeardo is one hell of a character, and goddamn does he know his cult movies. Not everything on here is horror, but enough of it is that I feel comfortable recommending it to any horror fan. Especially if your love gravitates toward the shlock-tacular. Plus, I went to junior high with this guy's younger brother. Small world...

Musings Across a Continuum
What can one say when it comes to Ms. Harker, other than that she is one of the coolest, most bad-ass female horror blogtrices since, well... since BJ-C! This Aussie vampire lover takes genuine delight in sharing her enthusiasm with her readers. She loves True Blood, hates Twilight, and manages to pack every other sentence with vague sexual innuendo. What's not to like?

The Beyond
At just 13 years of age, the one and only horror prodigy known as Soap Magic is one hell of a kid blogger. How can you not go head over heels for someone who hasn't even started high school, yet can converse on Murnau's Faust, Nekromantik, and the Lucio Fulci canon? He's only been at it a few months, and he's already started writing for Bloody-Disgusting. Get on board with this kid, now.

That's it for now. For anyone I've left out, you know I love you. There are so many great horror blogs I read on a regular basis, that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Rest assured, there will be a follow-up post on this topic down the road!


  1. Thanks for the love sir, as well as the heads up of some other horror blogsters I can check out. Oh dear my RSS is already out of control, will just have to add these new peeps and maybe stop working! By the way 'blogtrice' LOVE IT!

  2. Yes, I think I invented a new word!

  3. Thank you so much for the mention and kind words. Awesome post (and not just cause i'm in it!).

  4. Thank you so much! I feel blessed that I became a minor celebrity in the horror blogging world in just a few months! :D

    By the way, I didn't actually see Nekromantik. I just know about it!

  5. As an avid follower of VOH, I can't tell you how pleased I am to find Kindertrauma mentioned here, and in the same breath as many of my own favorite blogs!!! Thanks for the shout out B-sol and for turning me on to a couple great blogs that I have somehow been missing. -UNK L

  6. This is a fantastic list. I enjoyed a lot of the blogs you listed and I like your blog as well. Nice job!

    Why Don't We Rent Blog

  7. Thanks for the kind words about the blog B-Sol. Over the past year your dedication to your site has inspired me and it warmed my heart to know that I inspired you a bit. Thanks so much!

    Also I want to say that's a great bunch of other blogs on there and I read nearly every one of them myself. The few I don't I'm surely going to check out now!

  8. I always said you had impeccable taste, B-Sol!

    Thank you so much for the shoutout. I am truly honored to be mentioned in such talented company.

    By the way, I'm not an encyclopedic type. I just make it up as I go along.

  9. Thanks for the kind words, B-Sol! You're a prince ;)

  10. Actually, I'm a king (Solomon, get it???) Hardy-har...

  11. I'm a big fan Horror Movie a Day, Freddy in Space and In It for the Kills besides the Vault of course. I'm going to take a peek at these others too.

    I hate to plug but maybe everybody can check out my 2 cents at the jaded viewer

    You'll notice a gratuitous JCVD theme and quirky reviews and lists.

    I'd love to hear what you guys think. Thanks!

    -the jaded viewer

  12. Thanks for the recommendations...I recently started writing for an existing blog myself, and I love to check out great movie blogs that I haven't read before. For a person that is new to the game, reading well written, intelligent, and witty blog posts really make for good inspiration.

    I do read a few of the blogs you posted and I look forward to checking out the other ones on your list. Your blog, along with Day of the Woman are pretty new to me still, and I am really digging what I have read so far!

  13. Nice list! Good to see some bonding amongst the horror community...
    I'll check out some of the ones that I have not been reading!

  14. Wow great stuff thanks for the heads up.

  15. I've got a couple of these on my blogroll, but it looks like I still need to add more. Thanks for this great post.

  16. I'd like to recommend Flames Rising as well. Technically it's an e-zine, but whatever you want to call it, it's good reading.

  17. I am delighted to have a list of these horror blogs. It should be fun for me to see what I have missed in the last 33 years.

    I am delighted to be back and blogging from the grave. I hope I can contribute to the conversation of 2010!

  18. Anything to help you acclimate to the world of the living, Mr. Castle! Good luck on your comeback trail...

  19. Hey, these are great!
    I've just created a blog myself, to give quick stabs at some movies from the last decade or so.
    A Quick Stab at Horror

  20. Plenty of new stuff for me to check out here. Thanks.
    Although, yours seems to be the best.
    Here's my two cents worth...

    I've only just started, so have yet to find my feet with content and finding traffic etc, so any advice/help from anyone most welcome.
    But one day, armed with only a passion for horror, you never know, I may be up there alongside you!

  21. Look forward to checking it out

  22. Let me know what you think of them, Ted!

  23. I'm new to this game, but I hope I have a little something to offer the horror fan... a little cheeky and from a girl point of view ;-)

  24. I'm really happy to have found Horrors of it All; it's nice to find people who scan entire comics just for your delight!

  25. Hey hey great article and great list of blogs..
    i just started my blog today..April the 1st...
    its a horror blog and for every positive comment i will post more pictures up.

    please feel invited to
    pop over and have a look might love or like it. Thanks ;)
