
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Stuff I'm Excited to See in What's Left of 2009

I've said it before: This hasn't been the best year for horror. Just not that much out there, period, and out of what there is that's out there, even less worth our money. However, the second half of 2009 seems to be looking a bit better than the first half, and not just because I just had the pleasure of seeing Orphan (review to come). Tonight I'd like to shine the spotlight on four horror films I'm very excited to check out before the end of the year...

District 9
August 14

This one's much more science fiction than horror, but it definitely looks like it will deliver up a scare or two. The buzz is extremely positive, and the concept is intriguing. Sort of strikes me as "Alien Nation meets Predator", if you'll allow me to sound like a jerk-off studio windbag for just a second. On the heels of Moon, another very original sci-fi/horror, this flick gives me home that cinematic sci-fi has a bright future.

August 14

Vault contributor Wes Cavins recently submitted a review after attending a sneak preview, which was very positive. I've heard audiences have been pretty shocked by this one, which is always a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. And although the plot--about a mother who must feed her baby human blood--bears a passing resemblance to Little Shop of Horrors as BJ-C has pointed out half-jokingly, I still have a feeling this is going to be something worth checking out.

October 9
Just when you thought the zombie movie wave was finally over, along comes this one. And I don't know about you, but after checking out the trailer, I'm MORE than willing to give it a chance. This is definitely the most mainstream zombie film we've seen in years, and a nice prelude to the upcoming World War Z. Large-scale zombie comedy about a post-apocalypse, in which Woody Harrelson is a bad-ass ghoul-hunter? Count me the eff in.

October 23

Loopy director Lars von Trier caused quite a stir at Cannes when he ridiculed members of the press for condemning his film on account of supposedly objectionable content. If that sentence doesn't make you want to see it, then we are two very different people. In all seriousness though, this tale of a troubled couple confronting the powers of Satan on a retreat in the woods has "WIN" written all over it. Plus, it stars Willem Defoe, who I once bumped into checking out the nudey mags in Tower Books in NYC. Not that that's relevant, just puttin' it out there...


  1. You definitely need to lodge THIRST on there. I'd also recommend keeping your eye out for a German (though English language) film called MUST LOVE DEATH, it's a very charming and subversive horror/romantic comedy.

  2. I agree, those films all look great and I'd also say that The Final Destination looks like a blast (how could you go wrong with 3-D?), Pandorum looks like a cool sci-fi/horror hybrid, Shutter Island looks like a return by Scorsese to the horror/thriller territory of Cape Fear, Sorority Row actually looks like a remake that could be good fun, The Road ought to be the most literate cannibal movie to come down the pike maybe ever, and The Box looks like it could score as an intriguing Twilight Zone-ish tale.

    On top of all that, Trick R' Treat finally is coming to DVD - so I'd say the best of 2009 is definitely yet to come!

  3. Wow, thanks for more great suggestions guys. I definitely want to keep an eye on Thirst, and Shutter Island has me mucho intrigued, I should've included those. And while I'm second-guessing, I have to say I'm getting curious about Jennifer's Body.

  4. Willem who? My friend, ANTICHRIST stars Charlotte Gainsbourg. That's all you need to know.

  5. Aha, so I've heard! I'm assuming then, that you've seen it Pierre?

  6. Definitely looking forward to most of these, not too interested in District 9.Very keen to see Grace and Zombieland and Jennifer's Body (despite fish lips Fox). Soo keen to see Antichrist, Willem Dafoe's arse, coitus in a tree made of arms and Satan, bring it!

  7. Lordy, lordy--I both envy AND pity Mr. Harker!! :-)

  8. Its all about the 'safe word' bwahahah! ;)

  9. Make sure you catch the uncensoredd version of Antichrist, I saw it here in Sweden in early June, absolutely fantastic, and one of the more disturbing movies I've seen in a long time.

  10. District 9 promos and trailer has me very interested. I really like this style of documentaries such as REC, which I just saw and Cloverfield. A great way for horror and sci-fi to evolve and work it to the next level.

  11. I'm checking out Thirst tonight! Crazy excited for that and I've been hearing good things about it.

    Agreed about District 9, looks pretty awesome. Jennifer's Body...I'm holding out on that one. Bored of Cody's "meta" self-awareness shtick and not a fan of one Megan Fox.

  12. You forgot to include 9. you ALWAYS forget 9. give it a chance. Jeff was right, you really did forget Shutter island. It looks like it could end up being quite interesting. I'm still up in the air about Jennifer's body, since I really hate the un-foxy Fox. but If it's fun like Teeth and Dance of the Dead with it leaning towards black comedy it might work.

  13. 9 ain't horror, lady. But I still wanna see it :-)

    And SHUTTER ISLAND will RULE ALL. Just sayin'...

  14. I'm seeing Black Devil Doll tomorrow. I'll let you know if its "must see"
