
Friday, August 21, 2009

VAULT VLOG: Wolf Man Trailer Reaction


  1. Eat your words. EAT THEM!!

    But seriously, glad you enjoyed the trailer. It does look fantastic. My only complaint is Del Toro's occasionally spotty accent. Also some of the CG looks a little bonkers.

    But overall it looks wonderfully atmospheric and fun. And the Victorian era recreation (actually I guess before that, right?) is honestly enough for me to be excited. For whatever reason, period piece films, especially gothic horror ones, really get me going. Can't wait to get into a proper review with everyone here once the film is actually released.

  2. Did you say werewolfery? As posted by Monster Scholar on her blog, CGI can ruin a film entirely (see I am Legend, Van Helsing, etc.). But what I hope may be a saving grace, is if the on screen acting (glad we have Del Toro here) can portray the pain one feel's when going through metamorphosis, then I think that can offset any cheesdick CGI. One can only hope. But I do prefer good ol fashion makeup and prosthetics.

  3. Gord, remember that Talbot is supposed to be Americanized, so like Chaney, Del Toro would not have an English accent. And Cortez, yes, I said werewolfery lol.

  4. Hehe. You're a horror g33k. I respect that.

    The trailer is as keen as can be. We can only hope it's representative of the rest of the movie. I don't think I'll be too bothered if a little over-development hangs out here or there. After all, it just spent a year in Development Hell. No Keanu, at least. If there is anything in the movie that completely ruins it, I can't imagine what it would be at this point. At lest not without thinking about it for a minute.

  5. Let's hope this is the werewolviest werewolf movie of all.

  6. I know he's American, but something about it sounds weird. I mean, his voice overall has always bugged me, but you tell me his 'hello father' line sounds 'american'.

  7. I thought it was very cool. I do like the retro setting. Gothic horrors, and werewolves are rather Gothic, should have some Goth in them. I do agree that too make cache has been given to CGI. Thanks, George Lucas. More realistic effects, that is, mechanical or puppetry effects, when properly executed, are superior. CGI should be saved for things that cannot be otherwise done, or to enhance a film in a subtle fashion. At the very worst, this looks like it is going to be a very fun film.

  8. Oh, man, Antony Hopkins was so annoying in Coppola's Dracula, I truly hope he is not so bad in the wolfman too. Also, too much blame is put on the CGI and I think that this is wrong. CGI is a tool, it can have a good use or a bad use. When people that make the CGI, use them like 12 year olds with "coolness" in their minds and make everything fast, crazy, unnatural and cartoony it's not the CGI's fault. I remember many over the top practical effects in old movies and well, they are equally awful! And what's that with the wolfman jumping on the statue like a superhero? Oh, well...

  9. I really was trying to not pay attention to this movie. I have always been a big fan of the Universal monsters and after feeling burned by Van Helsing and bored by the new Mummy films I really didn't want to get my hopes up for another remake.

    The trailer really has me interested, I wonder if they can get it right...
