
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Looking for a Review of Paranormal Activity?

Paranormal Activity. It's been the talk of the horror blogosphere (and beyond) for days now. It has garnered that very coveted buzz as a rare film that is seriously frightening everyone who has the opportunity to see it, in the way films of previous generations like The Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, Psycho and Frankenstein did. And yet, it is currently only playing in a mere 13 movie theaters across this fine land of ours. And none of them are anywhere near me.

I am in the process of securing a review for The Vault of Horror, but in the meantime, for those curious, I'd like to direct your attention to a particular FOV (that's Friend of the Vault--act like you know) who has been lucky enough to see the film.

Here's a link to a video review from a visibly shaken Maweanne of The Spooky Brew that's well worth checking out. She was on-hand a couple days ago for the infamous L.A. premiere that was covered by MTV News...


  1. yeah, that's me. I'm awesome! haha

    Thanks for the information even though it was hell on earth to see that movie! hahah

  2. B-Sol: I am dying to see this movie! It better come to NYC and I am saying group Vault of Horror viewing should be planned!!

    I refuse to read any of the reviews because I want to be scared crapless.

  3. Agreed! If it comes to NYC, there needs to be a gathering of NY-area bloggers...

  4. Just writing my review for this had me nealing pooping myself. Seriously the scariest film in years, thanks for posting this review as I've enjoyed going through all the others.

    A few sites have posted the propsed original endings for the movie and i hope they get added to the eventual DVD as they had me quesy just reading them.

  5. Thanks for posting a link to my review ! Awesome

  6. Man, I have no idea if this film will ever make it to my neck of the woods, but I'm little bit psyched for it.
