
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ms. Horror Blogosphere 2009: Let the Voting Begin!!

After weeks of spotlighting the candidates, the time is finally here. Voting is now officially open for Ms. Horror Blogosphere! Please find the ballot containing all the nominees at the very top of the right-hand sidebar.

The voting period will be ten days, ending on Friday, December 4. Voters are limited to one vote apiece. The top five vote-getters will then advance to the next level of the contest. A new vote will then be held, lasting five days, after which the official winner of Ms. Horror Blogosphere 2009 will be announced.

For anyone who may be interested in directing voters to the poll from their own site, feel free to grab the official voting banner above the poll, and link it to The Vault of Horror (

Also, I have an extra added incentive to announce. The winner of the contest not only gets bragging rights and the right to display the nifty Ms. Horror Blogosphere 2009 on her site--she will also get to choose an honest-to-goodnes prize. It will be her choice between the excellent coffee-table book Hammer Glamour, or the Max Brooks graphic novel The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks.

Thanks again to all our very talented entrants, as well as to all you voters out there. Once again, here are the links to each of the nominated blogs are below. You can find the spotlight interview for each of the nominated bloggers by scrolling down to previous Vault posts...


  1. Too bad I can't have more than one vote. There are several of these gals that I like.

  2. I won that very Max Brooks' book in a contest on twitter from Tweets of the Dead, they were suppose to give me an address to send my info to after they told me I won..its been days and they have yet to say anything to I think I've been had.

  3. I assure you my contest, however, is completely on the up-and-up! In fact, I have the copies of Hammer Glamour and Recorded Attacks sitting in front of me right now. The key is to cut out the middle man. I ran a contest once with a third party involved, and yeah, they tried to screw me out of the prize for my contest winner. Shady companies trying to take advantage of easy marks on the web.

  4. I will not tell a lie... BJ-C totally gets my vote. The girl rocks.

  5. I assure you I wasn't meaning your contest was anything less but 100% genuine, I'm just venting my frustration over the other guys.

  6. Yeah, it sucks how they try to take advantage. It's pretty shameless.

  7. Good luck to everyone!

    Christopher Zenga
