
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ms. Horror Blogosphere: The Contestants Are...

It's now official. The invitations have all been answered, and the interview questions have gone out. The Vault of Horror now has an official lineup of contestants for the Ms. Horror Blogosphere competition, the first-ever "bloody pageant" of horror blogstresses.

Without further ado, I'd like to present the participants in Ms. Horror Blogosphere 2009:

Aleata Illusion - GoreGoreDancer's Movie Reviews
Alison Nastasi - Screamstress
Andre Dumas - The Horror Digest
BJ-C - Day of the Woman
B-Movie Becky - The Horror Effect
Bloofer Lady - Horror Crypt
Chris Hadden - Fascination with Fear
The Divemistress - Zombots!
Emily - The Deadly Doll's House of Horror Nonsense
Heather Santrous - Mermaid Heather
Maweanne - The Spooky Brew
Monster Scholar - Monster Land
Ms. Harker - Musings Across a Continuum
Nicki Nix - Hey Look Behind You!
Nos - Confessions of a Gore Whore
Rhonny Reaper - Dollar Bin Horror
Sarah Jahier - Fatally Yours
Tara Judah - Midnight Movie Review
Tenebrous Kate - Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire
Wednesday's Child - In It for the Kills: Horror Perspectives

I'll be spotlighting each blog and blogger in the weeks to come, and then you, the readers, will have the opportunity to vote. Keep checking back, because the responses should start to come in shortly...


  1. That's a bitchin' list of horror hotties if I ever saw one!

  2. Wow, I didn't realize I was so behind on the Twitter thing. Haha.

  3. Finally!

    the list has arrived!

    Thanks B.

