
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Horror Blog Roundup!

With it being Valentine's Day and all (at least for a few more hours), I figured what better way to show some love than to spotlight some of my favorite horror blogs? I could easily fill about 20 different posts with all the great stuff people are doing out there, but for now this will have to do as a mere fraction of all the awesomeness. I hope to be able to do more of these down the road!

Anyway, here's a brief look at some of the interesting things going down in the horror blogosphere...

Billy Loves Stu: The pulchritudinous Pax Romano lusts openly over his favorite mature gentlemen of horror film, a.k.a. Horror Movie DILFs. And you, dear reader, are lucky enough to have a ringside seat. Go and enjoy...

Brutal as Hell: OK, it's not exactly a blog, but BAH is one phenomenal horror website. And right now you can find a fascinating interview editor Marc Patterson conducted with the bombastic Britt Hayes, one of the finest new film critics around, pro or am...

Chuck Norris Ate My Baby: The monstrous Matt-suzaka brings you a little thing each and every weekend called Freddy's Friday Night Dance Party, which features horror related music clips. One of the most recent was the extremely badass "Anything, Anything" by Dramarama, from NOES 4. Plus, Matt is next up as my guest in the Conversations in the Dark podcast!

Day of the Woman: The bodacious BJ-C just put up a delightful photo essay chronicling the things that warm her black heart, and tying it all into images from horror flicks. See how many you can name! It's just a sample of her new Tumblr blog...

Fascination with Fear: The venerable Ax Wound Magazine has declared this Women in Horror Recognition Month, and the courageous Chris Hadden is doin' it up right with her Female Villains in Horror series...

Gothic Beauty Magazine: Ms. Horror Blogosphere contestant Jessie "Nos" Seitz has written up a brutally honest review of The Wolf Man, a movie I plan on checking out Tuesday night (half-price night, baby!) While you're at it, check out Nos' brand new official website--just not at work...

Horror Crypt: The bold and brash Bloofer Lady has a bunch of fascinating features she runs regularly, but one of the newer ones has particularly caught my attention: Historical Horrors, which sheds some much-needed light on real-life terrors throughout time...

The Horror Digest: The awesome Andre Dumas has been doing one hell of a job for the past couple of weeks with her Black History Month posts spotlighting black figures in the world of horror, both hugely famous (Samuel L. Jackson) and more obscure (the parapsychologist dude from Poltergeist).

Necrotic Cinema: Somehow, the youthful Uranium Willy manages to be a successful horror blogger while residing in the People's Republic of China. Take a look into his world as he recounts what it's like acquiring and watching horror movies under the yoke of communist oppression...

Sinful Cinema: The tenacious T.L. Bugg of The Lightning Bug's Lair and the rambunctious Rev. Phantom of Midnight Confessions have joined forces for a brand new podcast. It would be in your best interest to look into it...

Zombies DON'T Run: Chucklin' Chuck Conry recently started speaking my language, by taking a special look at three movies near and dear to my heart, George Romero's original "Living Dead" trilogy...

That's it for now, folks. Stay tuned for more Horror Blog Roundups to come, spotlighting other fine folks doing great things!


  1. Cool Idea! Looks like everyones doin something for V-day :)

  2. I've been called a lot of things in my time, sir, but never"pulchritudinous"...damn, I had to look that one up!

    Thanks for the shout out, B-Sol, hope you had a great Valentine's.

  3. Yes indeed, Rhonny! And look for DBH in a future edition of the roundup for sure!
    Pax, I had a very cool day, thanks for the wishes!

  4. Muy excelente blogos hombre!

  5. Alrighty Cortez--I'll give ya a runnin' start. Now vamoose!

  6. Thanks Brian! You just made my Valentine's Day all the bloodier!

  7. Great list. I'm looking forward to checking out some of the blogs that I've never heard of.

  8. Does this mean that I'm now Triple C instead of Double C?

  9. Fine, just don't start start spitting water all over the place.
