
Thursday, February 4, 2010

VAULTCAST: Conversations in the Dark... w/Sean Abley

Time once again for Conversations in the Dark, boys and girls. This week, join me and Sean Abley of (the late?)'s Gay of the Dead blog, as we discuss our favorite "guilty pleasure" horror movies. Sean is a really cool guy who bestowed his "Brains for Days" blog award on the VoH earlier this week, and even plugged my daughter's blog Book-Town in the process, so he's officially a big-time FoV (Friend of the Vault), and I encourage you to check his stuff out.

But tonight, From I Spit on Your Grave and Giant Spider Invasion to Slime City and Terrorvision, we delve deeply into the realm of "so bad it's good." Won't you join us in the celebration of badness?

Check it out in the embedded player below, or you can either listen in at the Vaultcast homepage, or download the Vaultcast directly...


  1. Jimminie Christmas!!!!

    You ACTUALLY dropped Saturday the 14th on us, AWESOME!! I have a copy in my basement on VHS!!!!!!! Now I'm all warm and Fuzzy!

    A few more oldy but goodies, that are not SHIT! and will make you warm and fuzzy.

    Monster Squad

    Haunted Honeymoon ( Gene and Gilda are masters)


    And of course.....


    Later days,


  2. I saw all of those except Ghoulies in the theater when they first came out!
