
Thursday, May 6, 2010 Releases New Human Centipede Art Poster

By Paige MacGregor

A new Human Centipede art poster created by the Silent Giants is available for purchase as of today via The sale price is $30.00, and if you’re a fan of the Human Centipede in any form, than you’ll probably want to splurge and pick up a copy. Highly creepy and beautifully designed, the poster features Dieter Laser as Dr. Heiter, holding a paper doll of the human centipede itself. carries unique T-shirts and posters for films like Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans and Street Trash, as well for other unusual artwork. You can browse their selection here or visit the company's blog here.

P.S. If you’re the creator of this art print or work for, feel free to send a few copies over to the Vault of Horror (*wink*).


  1. B-Sol - Are you gonna review this film? I think you mentioned on the Horror Digest you found this diggable.

    I feel like I'm the only one defending this movie.(here's my review:

    It's like watching a freakshow, sure its a little boring but your eyes are glued to the screen.

  2. I'm actually going to be doing a full-on review of the flick in a couple days as a guest post for a blog called Babbling About Books. I'll be posting the link once it's up!

  3. I like this poster much more than the other one!

  4. I am so on-the-fence about this movie. I have to make a decision today because if I go, I am going tonight. Ponder says I will be bored. I just don't know.

    B-Sol, help me decide.

  5. Oh boy, well as you might be able to tell by today's post, I'm in a bit more of a frivolous mood at the moment with regards to The Human Centipede--sorry I haven't been able to provide my usual sage-like guidance with a timely review!

    I would say that it's a tad overhyped, but I got a kick out of it. I mean, nothing too graphic is shown, so don't go in expecting to see ridiculously explicit shit. However, the concept is thoroughly nauseating, and the whole thing does get pretty intense. Dieter Laser is magnificent as the ridiculously histrionic mad German doctor.

    It meanders a bit in the second half, hence I see why Stacie would say it gets boring. I happened to see it on-demand, so I don't know how I'd feel if I paid $10.50 to see it... Hmmm. In the end, I say go check it out, try to cast the hype out of your mind--and most importantly, don't come after me for your money back if you don't dig it! :-)

  6. The moment for your wisdom has passed, B-Sol. I have purchased my $12.50 tickets to IFC Center for the 11:25pm showing this evening, and I will most likely be posting a full review on my site this weekend.

    Stacie says I will be bored. Best Friend made me promise I would no longer force him to see movies he did not want to see. Ugh. I am taking a lot of risks with this movie.

    However, I actually think I am going in with no real expectations. I have no fucking clue what to actually expect.

  7. Ya know what, going in the way you are, I'm actually gonna go on a limb and say you will most likely get a sick little giggle out of it. I know I did. However, your friend may possibly never speak to you again. Or at least for a week or two.

  8. Best Friend is a trooper. I think he'll be all right.

  9. This was hilarious!! LOL

    Question, how could they survive and not get sick on eat feces?

    I am so not going to see this movie. *barf*

  10. In the movie, they explain it away with some kind of IV he uses to keep them alive. Also, not to give any spoilers away, but the subject of blood poisoning is brought up.

  11. Well, I have now seen it. And yeah, um, hmm. I am not sure where my review will pop up yet. Fused Film or my blog. But yeah, that was completely ridiculous.

  12. Now you do realize that I don't equate "completely ridiculous" automatically with bad, yes? So I might agree that it is, and yet I definitely "enjoyed" it--"enjoy" being a bizarre term for such a flick... Oh well, hope the friend's ok!
