
Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Ramblings from the Vault...

  • I'll freely admit that True Blood was losing me a bit this season. Yeah, I know I say that every season. But ever since the Russell Edgington storyline really picked up steam, I have been back on board in a big way. Great character, and great performance by Denis O'Hare.
  • Did you ever notice that nearly all classic animated shorts in the old days, particularly those involving animals, are obsessed with characters who keep trying to eat other characters? Pretty damn terrifying if you really think about it. Well, not really. But kind of bizarre, no?
  • So The Last Exorcism captured the number-one spot at the box office over the weekend, huh? Very interesting. OK, I'll definitely be checking this out at some point during the week...
  • While on the subject of things that creep me out, I don't think I've ever gotten too far into it, but I'm thoroughly fascinated by very old graveyards, and will stop and have a look almost every time I pass one. Something beautiful about the ornate stones, and melancholy about how utterly forgotten everyone is who's buried there. For those interested, the most captivating one I've come across is a sprawling 19th century cemetery in Manchester, New Hampshire, right across the street from the Verizon Wireless Arena.
  • Whenever I watch Taxi Driver, and get to the part where DeNiro drives past the movie theater showing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I always wish that he had taken Cybill Shepherd to see that, rather than that lame Swedish porn flick...
  • So apparently James Cameron (you know, director of Piranha 2: The Spawning) is trashing Piranha 3-D for "cheapening" the 3-D medium. Yes, because there's nothing that screams "refined cinematic taste" like a 3-D movie. Or a James Cameron movie, for that matter. Can we cut the bullshit already, please? The sooner we can all admit that the 3-D "renaissance" is nothing more than a cynical racket to relieve you of more of your movie-going dollars, the better.
  • John Cusack playing Edgar Allan Poe? Can't say I saw that one coming. What's next, will Jon Cryer be portraying Bram Stoker?
  • Congrats go out to the delightful Jovanka Vuckovic, former editor-in-chief of Rue Morgue, for landing none other than Guillermo del Toro as executive producer for her debut short film, The Captured Bird. Also congrats on her recent birthing of one of the cutest babies I've ever seen in my life.
  • Alright Twilight Zone fans, what's your favorite celebrity guest appearance? I could be all predictable and boring and say either William Shatner or Burgess Meredith, but there's something about Telly Savalas and "Talky Tina" that really stands out, too...
  • I'd like to spread the word about two breathtaking film festivals happening on the same day on opposite sides of this great nation of ours. One is Horrible Imaginings: The Horror Film Festival of San Diego. The other is the Hudson Horror Show, happening in Poughkeepsie, New York. Both occur on Saturday, November 6, and there is a very real chance I shall be at the latter. More info to come on these events as we get a little closer...


  1. I was ready to give up on True Blood after that dreadful second season, but they have rebounded strong this year. Still not as good as the first season, but much better than last.

  2. I still just cant picture Cusack as Poe.
    And yes, animated characters do tend to be continually locked in a battle of survival, one trying to devour the other.
    Dreaded Dreams
    Petunia Scareum

  3. I'm the same way when it comes to graveyards. Those and old and very Gothic looking churches are very fascinating to me for some reason, always have been too.

  4. We bloggers must all be in the same boat - I too, am fascinated by graveyards. They are so peaceful yet there is still a weird sense of dread when walking through one. Love that.
    And I think you know how I feel about True Blood. Sunday nights will totally suck (pun intended) come September 19th.

  5. I love just about every Burgess Meredith guest spot (I swear the dude was the most sympathetic character actor ever) but I'll go with Robert Redford, namely because if death ever comes to my house, at least I can take comfort in knowing he looks like Robert Redford.

  6. I was just working on a Twilight Zone post! While Burgess Meredith will always have a really special place in my heart for BREAKING it in the episode I like to call "every bookworm's worst nightmare"- I have to reserve my top honors for Robert Duvall in "Miniature". He plays a man who becomes obsessed with a doll in a dollhouse at a museum. It's one of the most moving episodes of TZ, and Duvall is amazing. It's not one of the more famous episodes, but everyone should check it out!

  7. i just love john cusack, he can do anything, and i would watch it! and i am now wanting to go watch old twilght zone episodes!

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one fascinated by graveyards. Something about death scares me, yet intrigues me at the same time. I also have a huge fascination with skulls. I guess I'm reviewing the right genre then.

    TRUE BLOOD has rocked this whole season. I think it's the best season so far. It sucks [no pun intended] that we have to wait 2 weeks for the season finale. Boo and hiss.

    Cusack as Poe? Interesting casting choice. Cusack hasn't failed me yet, so I won't knock this decision. I'm definitely intrigued by this news.

    And I may be boring, but Burgess Meredith as that bookworm in that Twilight Zone episode is my favorite. The ending gets to me everytime. So tragic.

  9. B-Sol and everybody else...I've got a question that needs answering after reading one of Brian's rambles.

    Did Gargamel want to eat the smurfs or turn them into gold????

    Seriously, WTF Gargamel!?! It wasn't ever clear.


  10. I have a couple of favorite guest spots on Twilight Zone and while my number one slot actually goes out to Shatner in the episode Nick of Time. Not Nightmare at 20,000 Feet like so many people go for.

    Barring that, my other favorite is Dennis Hopper in He's Alive, which is a really strange, fucked up episode. Apart from the whole Neo-nazi/Hitler thing, it hints at this sprawling backstory that it never details. I actually think that it's one of Serling's best scripts of the entire series and Hopper is totally awesome in it.

  11. Regarding True Blood: According to my wife, this is the True Blood formula - Start with a major plot point from the novel in the series that corresponds with the series. The first few episodes follow the basic narrative and then for all the parts in the middle, it strays wildly. Final two episodes, it returns to something reasonably close to what happens in the novel.

    I'm still just along for the ride because I've seen the whole thing thus far and while I think Edgington has been a great villain, they squandered him and tossed him into the pot with this kitchen-sink approach to all the other villains. This season has been a freakin' mess.

  12. Interesting observation about the old cartoons. They were pretty ravenous. Except for Foghorn, he was just and needed to clobber the dog--just like dear ol' dad. *joking*

    And I'm all for Cusack playing Poe, though it is not something I'd have pegged him for. Granted, Hot Tub Time Machine wasn't either.

  13. Unfortunately, Russell goes the way of all great villains...
