
Thursday, October 28, 2010

EXCLUSIVE! Interview with Former WWE Superstar Amy "LITA" Dumas

Every now and then, the worlds of horror and wrestling collide, and I always jump at the opportunity to make the most of it. This is one of those times.

During my tenure at WWE, I had the pleasure to work with many talented, unique and fun performers, and one of those would most certainly be Amy Dumas, known at the time as Lita. So, when I discovered that Amy had participated in a zombie-themed photo shoot with internationally published photographer Dangerously Dolly for Rebel Ink magazine just in time for Halloween, I had to drop her a line and let her know how impressed I was, and ask if I could show some of these photos off in The Vault of Horror. Not only did Amy agree to that, but she was also gracious enough to chat with me briefly about the shoot, about horror and her time in the squared circle...

Vault of Horror: Tell fans what you have been up to recently...
Amy: For over three years, every Sunday, from nine to ten at night, I’ve had a radio show on 96.1 The Project, in Atlanta. It’s a lot of fun. It’s just me, the engineer and the cleaning crew--so I've been focusing on that. I'm also opening a restaurant called "Java Lords Lucha Lounge," which has a Mexican theme to it. And of course, we have the movie I'm working on with Trish Stratus.

VOH: Are you happy with how the shots came out for the Rebel Ink shoot?
Amy: Yes! They look cool and brain-tastic!

VOH: Are you much of a zombie or horror film fan in general? What are some of your favorites?
Amy: I am. I like quirky B-movies, and I also like classic horror movies in general, too.

VOH: What did you prefer, being a zombie or a zombie killer?
Amy: Wow, difficult to say! Depends on the situation. If it was real-life, then you'd have to be "The Zombie Killer"--dun-dun-dun! And personally, I find the Zombie Killer much more sexy, yum!

VOH: What led to your departure from the ring four years ago?
Amy: Mostly hate. I couldn't stand being called a whore when I was walking the dog, or just being myself in my own time. After I left, I felt that my life had completely restarted. It was hard and scary but hey, it's all worked out.

VOH: And finally... if there were a real zombie apocalypse, do you think it would be a good idea to hide in the basement of the Alamo? [For those playing at home: Amy is a huge Pee-Wee Herman fanatic...]
Amy: Totally...NOT! I'd go out there and kick some ass! Head-first into the action...

For more on what Amy is up to these days, fan her on Facebook at the only real Amy "Lita" Dumas page. Amy will also be appearing at Wizard World in Atlanta during the month of December. And for the rest of the zombie pics, check out the current issue of Rebel Ink!


  1. Lita! I used to love her when she performed with the Hardy Boys. It's good to see she's still out there doing cool stuff. Speaking of which... she makes one helluva hot flesh-eating leg dragger. ;)

  2. I used to love Lita. I think it was really shitty that they brought a real life situation into the story lines. It was tacky as hell. I am glad she is doing well and they pictures are great.

    I met her once and she was very nice.

  3. Is there something you've always wanted to ask the Grim Reaper? Lucky you. He answers your burning questions. Mwahhaha! visit my

  4. This is beyond fake.

  5. No question about it, Amy was one of the most innovative performers that WWE ever had. Nice to see she's still doing well, and yes her zombie pictures are amazing.

  6. I have been a fan since Lita 1st came to the wwf. Shes been my favorite wwe diva. Shes more of my role model. I did not like the way the wwe people made her character. I dont blame her for leaving the wwe because the fans really disrespected her. To me you never call a women a slut or a wore because its wrong and disrespectful. I was really impressed with Lita and Edge working together. They were my favorite couple in the wwe. Which the one thing that really pissed me off is how crime time treated her on her last match at survivor series. The fans, the king and crime time really disrespected her. After everything that young women went through. Hell she even broke her neck and came back to the wwe. She even put her body on the line. I have total respect for Lita a.k.a. Amy Dumas.
