
Friday, April 22, 2011

VAULTCAST! Conversations in the Dark: Tenebrous Kate

This is one I've been anticipating for a long time... For as long as I've been doing Conversations in the Dark, actually. Tenebrous Kate is probably my closest real-life, real-world pal out of the entire horror blogosphere, and I respect the living hell out of her. She's got style, she's got talent, and she's also got the coolest taste in flicks of almost anyone I know.

I had a chance to hear her give an amazing presentation on Enzo Castellari's The New Barbarians at a special Post-Apocalypse edition of Kevin Geeks Out! some time ago, and to say it left an impression on me would be a major understatement--hell, I became a full-on convert to one of exploitation cinema's most fascinating subgenres! So, when the time came to finally have the esteemed Kate on my Vaultcast, there was no question at all as to what we would be chatting about...

I hope you enjoy our giddy discussion on the end of the world... Feel free to listen in on the embedded player below, or proceed to the Vaultcast page and download it for listening at your leisure!

Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire:


  1. The earliest post-apocalypse movie I can think of is Panic in Year Zero (1962). I guess On the Beach and Fail Safe are the highbrow versions.

  2. Well if you did, I missed it, madame! Thanks for being my honored guest :-) It was a blast, as I knew it would be. And good call, Morbius--I think you're right. Panic is kind of a companion film to Last Man--in fact, I've seen them included on the same DVD.
