
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love Meets Lovecraft! My Debut Short Story Is Now Available!

The day is finally here. As you might recall, some months back I announced that my first piece of fiction had been accepted for publication--and now it's finally out there. Midnight Echo, the official publication of the Australian Horror Writers Association (AHWA), unleashed its third issue today--and my very own story, "Hell Hath No Fury", is among those you will find on the pages within.

A love story with a Lovecraftian twist, "Hell Hath No Fury" took me a good six months to complete, and I'm pretty psyched that it's now out there in the world for people to enjoy. If anyone is interested in picking up their very own copy of Midnight Echo #3 and checking out my story, the AHWA is selling digital PDF copies for a mere $3.50 American--not too shabby for a mag boasting 133 pages of content and containing 41 short stories. If you're old-school like me, print copies are also available. Nothing like holding it in your hands (and no, that is not what she said, unfortunately).

This is a day I've dreamt of since I was six years old. I'm proud of my twisted little tale, and I hope you check it out and enjoy it. Hopefully, it will be the first of many. But for right now, I have some laurel-resting and rose-smelling to do.


  1. Congratulations, B-Sol! I remember selling my first story, and it was indeed exciting and validating to see myself in print. Best wishes for continued success!

  2. Brian,

    Well done, sir!

    Today Midnight Echo, tomorrow, the New York Times Best Seller's List.

    I am genuinely happy for you.

  3. Congrats B-Sol!!

    If you want me to review your story on my blog, I would love to :D

  4. Congrats! I am jealous beyond words. When I find some money I will read it!

  5. Congrats, I always knew you would do it some day. I'm sure there are bigger things coming (that's what she said)lol.

  6. That is so awesome! Congrats! I know that's got to be an amazing feeling. Seriously very cool. I will certainly pluck down a few bucks to give it a read.

    I've yet to get one of my works published, but your success renews my hope!

  7. Oh I can't wait to read it !!!

    Congrats !!!

  8. There's nothing like that first one!

    Fantastic news. Major congrats, and here's to many many more . . ..


  9. Thanks so much to all of you, I'm truly excited and flattered today. Thanks especially to you MM, for bein in my corner from day one ;-)

  10. B-Sol: I am so proud. Many, many congratulations. I've known you for a long time, and been a reader of your content since 1988. I am glad to know you have broken through once again and made your mark. Yet another success for us Clippers and boys from Brooklyn. I am completely confident that you will have much more success in the future.


  11. Ray, your comment just made my night. Thanks, my friend. We've come a long way from The Chronicles of 102, have we not?

  12. Congratulations! I am a big fan of your blog- the world could use more stories with a "Lovecraftian" twist!!

  13. Congratulations sir! Getting into print, especially a magazine is a real accomplishment.

    But isn't the Lovecraftian Twist a dance?

  14. Congrats! Looking forward to reading this. I'm very excited for you!
