
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bringing Bedlam to the Bijou!

It's no secret that I love movies. Especially horror movies. And like anyone who loves something, my greatest joy comes from sharing that love with others. As a horror movie buff, I've always wanted to host public screenings of classic fright flicks, and thanks to The Vault of Horror, that dream has been able to be realized.

Last month, I had the pleasure of taking to the stage for the very first time for special double feature at Bridgeport's historic Bijou Theatre. It was the kickoff for a little series I've entitled... Bedlam at the Bijou. If you've been following the Vault, you probably know a little bit about it. Maybe you were there. In any event, it's been serving for me as a sort of fifth anniversary celebration for the VoH (which officially blew out the candles last Sunday, by the way). And I can't think of a better way to celebrate such a milestone.

"Welcome to Bedlam at the Bijou!"
I had the pleasure, a few years ago, of hosting screenings at Stamford's Avon Theatre along with Captain Cruella--as part of the Avon's very cool Cult Classics series. However, that never afforded me the opportunity to do any kind of programming. This time, I'm running the show--picking the films, inviting guests, thinking up fun promotions. I'm grateful to all the fine folks at the Bijou for giving me carte blanche like this--and to the good Captain for brokering the deal with her wicked zombie influences!

Anyway, September 27 marked the start of Bedlam at the Bijou with "Nuclear Nightmares", a double feature of the original Gojira and the giant ant epic Them! It was a joy seeing both these gems on the big screen, and back-to-back, no less! I never realized how much they had in common until I picked them for this screening, and it was fun exploring those connections with a very eager audience. I was also blessed to be joined by none other than Hearst media film critic--and fellow uber movie geek--Joe Meyers, who was more than happy to expound on both films during a most engaging post-screening Q&A.

The Avon crew represents.
Big G does what he does best.
It made me proud to be able to stand there, before my friends, my parents, and my love, and blabber about classic horror. I consider myself privileged to have such an outlet, and I don't take it for granted! I sincerely hope that everyone who attended had a magnificent time being immersed in all the radioactive monster mayhem.

But it hardly ends there... Because next Thursday, October 25, the second installment of Bedlam at the Bijou will grip Bridgeport in its icy clutches. This time out, I'm hosting "The Undead Among Us", a double feature of White Zombie (the original zombie film) and The Last Man on Earth (the movie that inspired Night of the Living Dead). What better month than October to explore the origins of zombie cinema? Captain Cruella will be on hand to zombify our moviegoing guests, and there will even be a zombie costume contest. Plus, I'm joined by Stoker-award winning author Dr. Kim Paffenroth, who may be the world's only theologian/zombie expert.

Sharing the stage with the amazing Joe Meyer.
Once again, it will be a pleasure to celebrate the fifth anniversary of The Vault of Horror in such fashion, and share my love of the nightmares of the silver screen with a gaggle of like-minded enthusiasts. I hope you'll be among them. 

Whether you caught the first Bedlam at the Bijou or not, I encourage you to join me next Thursday night, October 25 at 7pm sharp! Check out the official website for more info, and read all about it at the Bijou blog!