
Monday, October 22, 2012

Nosferatu at 90: The Many Faces of Count Orlock!

Remember, kids! For more Nosferatu action, come to Bridgeport's Bijou Theatre on Thursday, November 15 and catch the original film as part of "The Count Begins", a BEDLAM AT THE BIJOU double feature also featuring the 1931 Universal Dracula...


  1. Is that second shot from the remake done in the late 70's - or is it Mr. Barlow from 'Salem's Lot?

  2. It's actually Barlow--a character to thoroughly inspired by Orlock I just had to include him!

  3. Great pics! Orlock never looks non-creepy!

  4. The Reggie Nalder one from Salems Lot is the scariest, thats still gotta` be THE scariest image thats ever appeared on primetime TV.

  5. Oh my goodness, 90?! I have to say I knew it had been around for forever but I had no idea it was that long ago! Hopefully there will be a big, fun deal made out of the 100th anniversary, though that is a bit away.

    It's crazy to think how far horror has come since this film and other early horror films and how much the genre has evolved. To start with the very basic silent films to what we have now, the Internet and computer animation and GIFs, goodness so many GIFs (I just found a huge collection over at if you're interested) it's nuts. Of course the new films will never compete on the same level as the classics but with all the technology we have these days it's easy to be optimistic for the future of the genre.

  6. Today's Washington Post has its list of the scariest films of all time. One guess allowed for its opening pic:
