
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Exclusive FEARnet Giveaway!

Just popping in tonight to inform all you loyal Vault Dwellers of a fun little giveaway I'm doing. As you may know, I've been hawking my brand new Vault of Horror T-shirts lately (check out BJ-C's bad-ass new banner, top right). Well now, thanks to my recent partnership with FEARnet, I'm offering a pretty nifty little accessory to sweeten the deal.

Specifically, the next reader to purchase a VoH T-shirt will receive, free of charge, this handy-dandy FEARnet bathroom sign:

It's educational, fun at parties, and will let everyone know you're a complete subversive weirdo. So check out the sidebar for T-shirt ordering information. And check here for another look at the spiffy shirt.


  1. Moving on the up and up! Like the t-shirt :D

  2. my lips look freaking huge...I LOVE IT.

  3. I have one of those on my bathroom door right now.

  4. I'll second that, Brit. You're quite the photogenic lass. All the better to help me move some merch! :-) Work it!
    Oh, and I know you're jealous of my People's/Spock eyebrow.
