
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

POST #1,000: Digging Deep Into the Vault...

Hard to believe it, but this marks the 1,000th time I've clicked that ol' "New Post" button and sat down to write. In honor of this most momentous occasion, I've taken a little traipse down memory lane, and after looking back on the previous 999 posts, I would like to share with you some of which I am moderately proud...

  • From the Retro Review files, I bring you my experience watching Friday the 13th with Betsy Palmer, as well as my writeup of the amazing Theater of Blood, fast becoming my all-time favorite movie...
  • As part of this year's Psycho Semi-Centennial celebration, I look back at a certain fella named Arbogast...
  • Want to know what I'm afraid of? This little two-parter delves into what makes B-Sol quake in his loafers...
  • I certainly like putting my slack-jawed mug out there with the vlogs, eh? Here's a Halloween vlog featuring me on the verge of death, as well the lovely Zombelina's debut...
  • From last year's Quarter-Century of Krueger blow-out, I give you a chronology of the "life and times" of Freddy...
  • For some reason, I enjoy doing these long, multi-part history pieces. I think it's the obsessive compulsive in me. Anyway, here are a couple over which I slaved abundantly...
A History of Horror Movies
Part 1: The Silent Dead
Part 2: Gods and Monsters
Part 3: It Came from Hollywood
Part 4: The Times, They Are A-Changin'
Part 5: Blood and Guts
Part 6: From Postmortem to Post-Modern
Part 7: Gore Goes Mainstream

40 Years of the Modern Zombie Movie
Part 1: They're Coming to Get You
Part 2: No More Room in Hell
Part 3: Kicking Ass for the Lord
Part 4: Don't Say the Zed-Word
  • Remember that time I went to the Cloisters Museum for a very special Visceral Visionaries? Yeah, me neither.
  • I sure had a lot of fun ripping Hatchet to shreds. Still, my love for High Anxiety knows no bounds, and damn, did I love Moon, or what?
  • An insider's look at See No Evil, from someone who worked at WWE and had to pretend he liked it...
  • Nine long years ago, I dragged my wife on a pilgrimage to the Monroeville Mall. And took pictures. Experience the majesty here, here and here.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thanks for bearing with me for today's bit of self-indulgence! And while I'm at it, thank you, dear readers, first and foremost, for putting up with me at all! Without you, the Vault of Horror would be one lonely place.

Thanks also to the countless excellent bloggers who have made me one of their own, and especially the folks who have been a direct part of the Vault at one time or another, including BJ-C of the VoH's sister-blog DotW; Marilyn Merlot, who helped come up with the idea in the first place; Paige, the Vault's newest and most prolific guest; RayRay; Katiebabs; Nos; Andre Dumas. Thanks as well to Amanda Norman for the Vault's smashing new banner, as well as Wes Cavins for the previous one; to HorrorSquad's Brad McHargue for the redesign tips; and to Christopher Zenga & Rhonny Reaper for the portraits of yours truly which have adorned this space. Thanks to the many guests who've joined me thus far in the Vaultcast, and to Mr. Brad Miska of B-D for helping immeasurably in making people aware this site even exists. As a matter of fact, thanks to all who have continuously supported the Vault on Twitter, Facebook, and yes, even MySpace.

And of course, as ever, many thanks to Mrs. B-Sol. She may not always understand this whole obsession of mine, but she puts up with the countless late nights and incessant flow of depraved cinema like a champ, and I love her for it.

Carry on!


  1. What an achievement! I tip my hat to you and raise a glass to 1,000 more!

  2. The way you're holding Betsy Palmer in that photo is very suspicious...I think there may just be a bit of a love connection right there!

    Congrats on 1,000 posts, Brian!

  3. Thanks guys! And Matt, you may not believe this, but Ms. Palmer was the one who kept pulling me in inappropriately--Dirty old broad!

  4. Congrats, Brian. This is definitely one of the best blogs I've had the pleasure to read, and it really has been an inspiration to me. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to the 2000th post!

  5. That Betsy Palmer pic is fabulous!
    And 1,000 posts is quite a feat. YAY you!

  6. Virtual muffin baskets sent your way. Huge congrats!

  7. Hooray! Congrats! And I'm so very flattered to be mentioned in the special thanks : )

  8. Thanks so much guys. You're all superstars, but you know this.

  9. Just a quick congrats, Brian - and a thanks for all the support you've given me & my blog as well!
    Keep up the stellar work, you're an inspiration:)

  10. Congratulations and felicitations, buddy! You've proven yourself a good friend and mentor, and the blogosphere is a better place because of you and the Vault. Now get back to work!

  11. Cheers! And here's to 1,000 more.

  12. Congrats, Brian! As everyone else has said, this is a stellar blog and I look forward to seeing more quality pieces from you. If I could, I'd award you with a penguin who would live in your freezer and supply you with ice cubes and TV dinners.

  13. Hi! B-Sol...
    I just discovered your blog...and the countless other horror fans and horror blogs last October...Therefore, all I can say is better late than never and you can believe me when I say...Congratulation! on your 1000th post.
    DeeDee ;-D

  14. Thanks once again for these kind, kind words, everyone. I'm truly honored. Looking forward to keeping the Vault going for a very long time to come.

  15. CONGRATS, brudda! That's a lot of work, just because you love it. Admirable!!

  16. Thanks Stacie. That really means a lot, coming from one of the people who inspired me to do this in the first place.

  17. I know I sent you a message already, but I figured I'd leave my mark on your 1000th post. Congrats on the achievement, your Blog gives so much to so many and you do it all for the love of horror. VoH is an extraordinary blog from an extraordinary person and I'm glad to have met you and had a place like the Vault to visit.

    your friend,

    Christopher Zenga
