Just when you thought the horror remake craze couldn't get any more troubling, along comes word that Warner Bros. is interested in redoing what most (including this reporter) consider the finest horror film of all time--The Exorcist. Rumors have been floating around for a little while now, but Linda Blair made some telling comments at the famous Chiller Theater convention yesterday that have given the rumors significant steam, including an interview she gave to AMCtv.com.
As for my opinion on this, the picture above just about sums it up. What purpose, other than the obvious one (money) does it serve to remake a movie that so closely approaches cinematic perfection? All one need do is think back to the infamous Psycho remake of a decade ago. There's a level of imagination lacking in the film industry today, which, had it not existed in prior decades, films like The Exorcist and Psycho would never have been made in the first place.
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