Well, the day finally arrived. Last Saturday night, the long-awaited Village Invasion, the brainchild of
Captain Cruella, was at unleashed upon the populace of Saugerties, New York. And yours truly was honored and privileged to be a part of it. I know I've been pushing the hell out of it here in the Vault as of late, so you may be wondering just what it was all about.
Imagine a zombie walk, only to the tenth power. With an entire town fully involved, businesses staying open all night and participating, movies shown on building walls. That's what it was all about. This was an
event, in the truest sense of the word. Lots and lots of horror films are covered here in the Vault--but this was a horror
happening. And a zombie freak's dream come true.

As for little old me, I was tickled pink to be asked to be one of the judges for the zombie costume contest, which, needless to say, was a blast. These people really put their all into being the best ghouls they could be, and the decision was not easy. But when a guy shows up with a zombie baby puppet in his arms, well, the Dead Alive fan in me just can't resist calling that man the winner as Best Overall Zombie. I'm also proud to say that Lady Gaga Zombie took home Best Celebrity Zombie. And even though Little Red Riding Zombie wasn't exactly a true zombie pinup, neither I, nor anyone else, was about to complain when she took home the prize in that category....

It's rather difficult to describe the thrill of pulling up to see, splashed across the side of a building, the original Night of the Living Dead, along with other horror films of my own selection--projected for all to enjoy as the festivities carried on. Certainly gratifying, and something of a culmination of much of the work I've been putting into growing the VoH over the years.

So what else did you miss? Well, you missed the opportunity to own a Vault of Horror T-shirt, that's for sure. (But fear not, for I accept PayPal orders at mysteriouswufang @ yahoo.com, or just shoot me an email and we can do business. Fifteen smackers, all sizes...)
Ahem, anyway--you also missed your chance to partake of a Vault of Horror shooter. If you have absolutely no regard for your own well-being, and you'd like to recreate it, simply mix some vodka, Sambuca and Jagermeister in a shot glass and enjoy! (Just don't say I didn't warn you...)

In short, it was a killer time, and one which I never would have been able to enjoy and participate in like I did were it not for The Vault of Horror. Special thanks go to my newfound paisan Perri Naccarato of
The Computer Guys, who made the movie projection possible, as well as to the fine people of the
Dutch Ale House for concocting the VoH shooters, and the lovely
Hudson Valley Horrors for helping to peddle my wares.

But most of all, thanks and applause to Captain Cruella for being such an incessant social networking maniac, and whipping the whole thing up out of thin air! As well as for allowing The Vault of Horror to be a part of it. With a little luck, and a lot of ingenuity, here's hoping that the Village Invasion Zombie Crawl will become a Saugerties tradition!
Photo Credits (top to bottom):J.D. Fielding Photography: 1, 3 & 4Del Higgins Fine Art Photography & Photoart: 2, 5, 6 & 7
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And the alliance continues... Come down to Stamford, Connecticut's
Avon Theatre this Thursday evening at 8pm, when Cruella and I will be hosting a 25th anniversary screening of
The Return of the Living Dead, with a very special top-secret second feature as well!
OR... If you happen to reside in the Chicago area, I'm proud to announce that on that
very same evening, my own beloved sister blogger BJ-C of
Day of the Woman will be introducing Let the Right One In at the
Rialto Cinemas in Macomb, Illinois! Now
that's synergy, people...
I just want to say THANK YOU! You are an amazing force and it's through people like you Brian that makes things like this happen. It might have only taken me 10 weeks to pull it together but it's taken a lifetime for me to become the maniac I am. Viva la zombie !!and here's to future projects with you and the entire horror family I've been embraced by!
You're very welcome, Cru! And welcome to the online horror family. Looking forward to tomorrow night in Stamford.
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