A whole bunch of parents who had expected to enjoy the wonders of Disney animation with their little tykes were instead made to witness nubile teens being impaled with a pick-axe. British website ThisIsHampshire.net reports that workers at Southampton's Odeon Cinema mistakenly loaded My Bloody Valentine 3-D into a projector that was meant for Bolt, the animated flick about a cute and cuddly dog who thinks he's a superhero.
Apparently, it took a whole ten minutes for what had to be some of the densest parents in the history of parenting to realize that the wrong movie was being shown and raise a fuss, many of their kids obviously shaken up by the R-rated mayhem onscreen.
The Odeon refunded customers their tickets, and gave them comp passes to a movie of their choice. Would love to know if any of them sent the kids home and used the passes to see My Bloody Valentine.
I wonder how many future horror fans were made in that moment?
My parents had a bad habit of taking us to the drive in without really understanding what was showing.
I know that at 13 I wasn't really at the right age to see DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE but here I am now having seen PHANTASM more times than I've seen CASABLANCA.
Now the less said about the time we ended up seeing the first 15 minutes of FLESH GORDON the better...
That's an impressive bunch of kids to last 10 minutes into a horror flick. My kids cover their eyes and ears when the trailer for the new Friday the 13th comes on TV. HAHA!
Too funny!
This actually happened with my kids when I took them to see a sneak preview of the film The Last Mimzy - the theatre apparently forgot to switch the film that had previously been playing, which was The Number 23.
While it wasn't 10 minutes, the opening credits of that film had blood splashed across the screen, and my 4-year-old dughter, to this day, still talks about "the blood all over the screen" :-)
As she'll be doing with her psychiatrist in about 20 years time...:-)
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