By Paige MacGregor
Revenge may get ugly, but apparently it also gets sexy. A new Jonah Hex one-sheet that features Michael Fassbender, John Malkovich, Josh Brolin and Megan Fox (left to right, above) was released this week, and I must admit that this is the first time I’ve been more than a little bit excited about the film (based on the classic horror/western DC comic of the '70s and early '80s.) Although Malkovitch is a little old for me, there’s no denying that he’s a very entertaining actor, and the fact that he joins seductive leading lady Fox, delectable indie actor Fassbender, and the (usually) ruggedly handsome Josh Brolin (all scarred up to play Hex) is enough to make my head explode.
Granted, I’m not expecting a great deal from Jonah Hex; it’s received very little press as compared to many of the other horror/thrillers coming out this year (A Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.) and chances are it will be a disappointment at the box office (its June 18 release date pits it against the highly anticipated Toy Story 3). But any opportunity to ogle both Fox and Fassbender during the same film is a-okay by me.
The trailer for Jonah Hex was also released on Yahoo yesterday, and I just have to point out that within just the first twenty seconds, we get more than an eyeful of Fassbender’s character, Burke. The 2:30 trailer promises guns, girls (well, a girl, but Megan Fox is worth more than one girl, in my opinion) and explosions—just what every action audience could ask for. While the one-sheet re-energized my excitement in the film, the Jonah Hex trailer has me on the edge of my seat with anticipation over Michael Fassbender’s performance. Aside from John Malkovitch (maybe), Fassbender can act circles around the film’s other leads.
My guess as to who will enjoy Jonah Hex? People like me, who will go to the theater just to watch a gun-wielding Megan Fox prance around in a bustier on the big screen. Also, Michael Fassbender fans who are excited to see the actor--generally consigned to indie films--in his second recent mainstream movie (the last being Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds). While we can’t predict whether Jonah Hex will be a “good” movie, it’s sure to be at least be entertaining--and probably a bit titillating.
Well, I do like senseless violence and Michael Fassbender--even though he was in that piece of shit Eden Lake. (You know, I think it's that moment in IB when he says that he wants to go out speaking the King's... that just blows me the fuck away.) So I am sure I will get a kick out this.
I like the idea of a horror-western, I think I'll really enjoy this one!
Missy! I loved Eden Lake! Oh well, I can forgive you....I think.....
Angie, Jonah Hex was a very cool comic. Here's hoping it translates well to the screen!
Damn, I'm really excited about this one. I don't care if it'll turn out to be mediocre, I just can't wait to see it!
I don't know… Again, this doesn't look much like a horror movie to me, but rather like an action-adventure blockbuster in the vein of the 'Mummy' remake or 'Wild Wild West.' Alright, whatever. It's got lots of mindless explosions and Megan Fox in a bustier, so it'll probably be entertaining.
Really? I feel bad now. But, you know. I mean, these were the two most unlikable characters, and they did the stupidest shit over and over. It was just impossible for me to be on their sides. Ugh. That movie just frustrated me to death.
True, they were unlikeable protagonists. But I think that's one of the things I liked about the movie. It was challenging in the sense that here are two people who come off as total schmucks, but then they're put through so much awful crap that you actually feel for them. I don't know, there was a lot of complicated stuff going on there. Definitely different.
I feel that if the goal was to make me "feel for them anyway," then they failed miserably. When she was hovering there watching him get tortured, they lost me completely. SHE WAS TOTALLY VISIBLE! And no one--not even the dumbest person on the planet of Earth--would hide in such a visible fashion. It was just some of the worst survival horror I have ever seen. I mean, ugh, blech, barf. I'd rather watch Deliverance anyway.
Plus, I think I am just really pissed off that they took two actors I really like and forced me to hate them.
OH, and that fucking dress. I hate babydoll dresses and everything they stand for.
I found this trailer absolutely painful. Every time Fox opened her mouth time seemed to slow and the sound of her voice (this time 'enhanced', in a negative sense, by a terrible accent) coupled with the terrible one-liners caused me to shudder and reflect for what seemed like an eternity on just how this woman got hired for this part, when clearly she sucks, let alone every other film shes been in.
Most everything else looked alright, but in a standard sort of bizarre action movie sort of way. Something tells me I'll be skipping it.
Missy: Aha! It finally comes out! This all stems from an unreasoning contempt for the babydoll dress--doesn't it?!
Gord: Love Megan or hate or her, she is pretty much the hottest actress in Hollywood right now, and this is why she gets cast, my friend.
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