Those who have been following The Vault of Horror for some time now will know that I usually don't really make it very much about me, unless I'm writing about some way in which my personal love for horror films has affected my life. Well, in this case, consider yourself warned: I'm making an exception. Because I'm so damned proud of the 2011 Vault of Horror/Captain Cruella calendar, and I want to talk a little bit about the experience of making it happen.
If someone had told me just a couple of years ago that I'd be the subject--even the partial subject--of a calendar, I'd have thought they were a few Elm Street kids short of a soul pizza. But as with so many other things, my crossing paths with the inscrutable and implacable Captain Cruella helped open doors and make previously unimagined things possible. And so there we were, the subjects of a professional photo shoot, putting together an actual 12-month calendar, and enjoying every minute of it.

First and foremost, thanks must go out to the incomparable Del Higgins, a fine photographer with a true gift--and this is coming from someone who has organized and run photo shoots for the covers of major newsstand magazines. Del is the real deal, and it was a pleasure working with him. The ideas he brought to the table, together with the concepts and enthusiasm of the good captain and myself, resulted in a series of photos of which we all are very proud.
I think anyone who is a fan of the Vault, and/or a fan of Cruella (yeah, that's right, I'm talking to all you creeps out there, listen up) would honestly get a laugh out of what we've put together. A Christmas card shot that's Andy Williams meets Return of the Living Dead; a New Year's image that answers the question, What if Mad Men took place during the zombie apocalypse; cooking a human leg on the barbecue for July; and then there's my very own April portrait, in which I take on the part of Marion Crane in the famous Psycho shower scene. Yes, it took Del and Cruella quite a lot of work to convince me to do it, but in the end, the sacrifice of my pride and credibility led to a hilarious picture that's probably worth the price of the whole damn calendar, if I may humbly say so.

The Vault of Horror has been quite an adventure for me these past three and a quarter years. I've gotten to write about things about which I'm immensely passionate; I've gotten to experience horror in a way I never did before; and I've crossed paths with individuals who have truly enriched my life. The making of this calendar is, without question, one of the highlights of my time in this crazy world of horror blogging. I'm supremely thankful to my beloved Terror Team partner Captain Cruella for using her awe-inspiring facilitative abilities to make this happen, and for inviting little old me along for the ride.
So here's the hard sell. If you think you might like one of these babies (and I know it's already January--live a little, life's all about taking chances), the ordering info is posted right on the right-hand sidebar. You can order directly via PayPal, or shoot me an email if you'd like any more information. And if you order one, by all means let us know what you think!

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That's awesome about the calendar! :)
I know I have been away for a while, but I finally have some time to catch up and wanted to say that this is SO GREAT B!!!!!
I just wanted to touch base and give you and the mistress Cruella a undead high five.
I hope you have great success with the calendar.
Later days,
First of I'd like to thank you Brian for being a wonderful person. You've enhanced my life dramatically and this shoot was a fantastic day that none of us will forget, especially since it's all been captured on camera!
I'm discouraged by the fact that people, whoever they might be, have nothing better to do with their time than to disrespect the work I've been doing, especially with you. I admire all in the horror community and refuse to feed into the ugliness that gossip and drama create. I enjoy working with everyone and look forward to the future in this community of bloggers, filmmakers, writers, artists and fans.
Here's to the future, remaining positive even when others in the world try to knock you down and projects in the works with you and many others I can truly call my friends.
Viva la zombie and I say let them eat cake. I'd rather have the filet mignon. :)
First off, thank you Kate and Christopher! You guys have been Friends of the Vault since day one, and your support is appreciated, as always!
Oh Captain, my Captain! A pleasure working with you, as always. You have truly made the Vault a better place with your presence, and the past year has seen it rise to levels even I never planned when I started it as a humble hobby way back when. You're a shining star in the online horror firmament!
And haters? There are haters?? Say it ain't so, Joe--say it ain't so! I know not of what you speak, Anonymous, but I do know that I've been blessed with a wonderful, loyal assortment of supporters, readers and colleagues, for which I'm eternally grateful. The Vault has been a grand adventure, and will continue to be so for some time to come! Onward and upward, true believers!
Friends until the end...and then The Day After.
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