Random Ramblings from the Vault...
I'm intrigued by this Little Red Riding Hood movie that's opening this weekend. Hoping to get an opportunity to see it, but I'd love to hear from you if you already have. I'm always game for a dark, grown-up treatment of a classic fairy tale.
- In the "you can't make this stuff up" department, it turns out that the company I'm currently working for was founded by the brother of Nathan Juran--director of The Deadly Mantis, 20 Million Miles to Earth, Attack of the 50-Foot Woman and The 7th Voyage of Sinbad. Unfortunately, Mr. Juran is no longer with us--but don't be surprised to see a retrospective of his work right here in the Vault very soon...
- The fourth season of True Blood looms as the summer approaches, and once again, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've vacillated on this show more times than I can possibly count, and right now I'm in one of my "blah" phases. Maybe it has something to do with it being eclipsed in my mind by The Walking Dead--which also is starting up again around the same time?
Speaking of The Walking Dead, I'm intrigued by the news that Edgar Wright was offered a spot directing some Season 2 episodes. We've seen what the guy can do with a zombie comedy--namely, give us the absolute best zombie film of the past decade--and I'd love to see what he was capable of when taking the sub-genre completely seriously.
- I still miss MonstersHD. Intensely. That just needed to be said.
- Am I the only one hoping that the newly re-formed Hammer Films will renounce its seemingly purposeful avoidance of period flicks, and go back to the grand Hammer tradition of glorious Victorian-era blood- and boobfests? Don't get me wrong, it certainly was no mistake to back the English-language remake of Let the Right One In, but come on--it's time for Hammer to be Hammer. Get to it, lads.
- My recent piece on the General Mills monster cereals, part of a recent League of Tana Tea Drinkers roundtable, has been met with a lot of positive interest, which I find very gratifying. In fact, it's very possible (thanks to the connections of one Captain of the Carnivorous Cadavers) that I may be scoring an interview with one of the General Mills big shots, in which I can pick their brains on the genesis of Frankenberry, Count Chocula and the gang. Stay tuned...
It's not quite horror, but bear with me. I recently had the distinct pleasure of finally catching Robert Rodriguez' Machete, and I must say, I got a huge popcorn-flick kick out of it. So much fun, and although I understand the complaints some had with it, I really didn't go in expecting much more than a lowbrow thrill--and that's exactly what I got. For my money, this was more successfully "grindhouse" than even Grindhouse. My only beef? CGI squibs. Really? In a supposed '70s exploitation cinema tribute? Bad show, people. And the irony of Tom Savini's guest cameo was particularly bittersweet.
- In Vault-related activities, I'm pleased to announce that the next in the Avon Theatre's excellent Cult Classics series will be the abysmally delicious Night Train to Terror. Captain Cruella and I will be introducing the film, plus giving away some pre-show goodies, so do your best to get down to Stamford, Connecticut this Thursday night at 9pm, won't you?
And finally, my upcoming Lovecraft poetry reading, Visions from the Vault, will be coming to the Sugartown Vintage Boutique in Saugerties, New York on Saturday, April 9 at 2pm. I'm excited to be sharing some the master's rarely heard verses, so once again I invite you to join me--this time in one of the coolest towns on the planet.
Caught Red Riding Hood this weekend. I'm about a third of the way done my review but in short-It's not very good. Then again, I'm not the target audience which means I'm not a 13 year old girl.
I agree with you re: the CGI squibs. I loved MACHETE, though. One politically aware genre film. Good post, B-Sol.
Ditto the Hammer thing Brian. Honestly, I'd take the worst of the period pieces over the best of their recent films.
Then again, it could be hard given the loss of a) all their stars, and b) all their crew....
My review of Red Riding Hood is up. It's GREAT...if you're 13 and have a vagina. AMAZING teenage girl porn, and laughable for anyone else.
And Night Train to TError, bravo. That is an underseen classic...
Despite an impressive cast in Red Riding Hood, the trailer and reviews give me the impression it's a farcical and cynical attempt to cash in on the Twi-hards.
As for Machete, I wish I had enjoyed it as much as you. Though Don Johnson and Danny Trejo and Michelle Rodriguez were fun to watch, seeing Jessica Alba and Steven Seagal stink up every scene they were in killed a lot of enjoyment for me.
I have Red Riding Hood on my list to see at the drive-in, but I'm notorious for not seeing a whole movie there. I wonder why that is??? If it's good enough, I might just keep my eyes on the screen. I also am really excited about Hammer!!! Yahoo!
Yeah, sadly I'm getting the feeling that Red Riding Hood is just not going to be for me... And Autumn, you're a naughty, naughty girl. Eyes on the screen, please.
Not sure you'd look forward to RRH--it's directed by the thoroughly inept Catherine Hardwicke...I'm pretty sure she's a barely-functional retard.
Scary! scary! scary!
Mesothelioma claims
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