Random Ramblings from the Vault...
Why did it take so long for Trick 'r Treat to come out--and why only direct-to-video? The flick is better than 99.9% of the horror out there.
- And while I'm at it, Dylan Baker deserves more fame and recognition. The guy is fantastic.
- Freddy vs. Jason is a tremendously fun movie that reminds me of the old school Universal monster mash-ups. Not scary at all, just good fun. The people who complain about it are the kind of people who tell little kids there's no Santa Claus.
- Did you know that the bizarre Henry James quote at the end of House by the Cemetery was completely made up by Lucio Fulci? I love him more then ever.
Am I the only one who was freaked out that on The Real Ghostbusters, Egon had a giant platinum blond pompadour? So un-Egon-like.
- Borders is a dangerous place for me to be in October. Horror DVDs for $8.99 apiece. Giant anthologies for 50% off. Ugh.
- Just because you have a camera, some makeup from Wal-Mart, and 20 friends who are willing to be zombies, that doesn't mean you should make a zombie movie. Just saying.
- Smartest thing the makers of Paranormal Activity did to encourage suspension of disbelief: Leaving out opening and closing credits. Take that, Blair Witch Project!
If you've never done so before, I can't encourage you strongly enough to pay a visit to the excellent Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire. Tenebrous Kate is a fountain of insight on the lurid and wonderful worlds of exploitation and horror. She also has a bizarre fascination with nuns, and can knock back pints at astonishing speed.
- It is an absolute crime that in the year 2009, the 1944 haunted house classic The Uninvited has yet to be released on DVD.
- And finally on a personal note, if you're looking out for my review of Paranormal Activity, and the results of the Cyber-Horror Elite literature poll, just sit tight. I plan on getting to both during the week. Try to muddle through till then, kids!
You are my horror movie pimp. I've been seeing Trick R Treat all over the place but I was having visions of Halloween part 3 where the kids wears those pumpkin heads and watch the tv and explode. It was really good?
I am so so anxious for Paranormal Activity and Zombieland. I really need to go out and see these ASAP.
It's deliciously twisted, you'll love it... So does this make you my horror ho? :-P
Love Train is a great blog, and Kate was one of the first horror bloggers who posted on my blog many moons ago.
And, I can not wait to see the Cyber-Horror Elite literature poll, that ought to be fantastic.
LOL! Ho ho ho...
Gots ta say I agree with almost all of your ramblings.
I like "Freddy vs Jason" too. And I also like "Jason X", so there!
And we NEED The Uninvited on DVD, NOW!!!
Oh, and I have yet to see "Trick 'r Treat", can't wait, everyone seems to love it!
Trick 'r Treat is destined to be a movie everyone whips out for thier horror movie viewing parties around halloween. It has a great cast, and just looks like balls out FUN. I can't wait to see tihs.
With regard to The Uninvited being unavailable - I just wanna shake somebody and say, "How can you deprive the world of the movie that gave us 'Stella by Starlight'?" Criminal and tragic...
Seriously kids. When you see Zombieland, you kids with your camcorders who want to make a zombie film, please don't do it.
Yes, it is crime that The Uninvited is not on DVD. I also loved Freddy vs. Jason (it was a fun romp). And I agree, Borders can be a dangerous place (Wal-Mart too, if they put up their Halloween DVD display--$4-10 DVDs).
Pax, the new list should be up tomorrow!
Wings, not so crazy about Jason X, but I do love that liquid nitrogen kill (who doesn't?)
Senski, you are so right about Uninvited. Great movie, great song!
We had a wonderful time hanging out with you, B-Sol, and look forward to our next adventure! Thank you so much for your kind words :) And Pax, your blog rocks. I have gotten many smiles from your writing, and I thank you for that!
Interesting. I've never believed in Santa Claus, would never encourage a child to believe in Santa Claus, and have never complained about Freddy Vs. Jason. It's a really enjoyable flick.
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