Random Ramblings from the Vault...
Looks like Shutter Island has given Martin Scorsese the biggest weekend opening by far of any flick in his illustrious career. See Marty, forget all that avant garde Oscar-bait drama--genre entertainment is where the big bucks are at!
- I was blown away by the trailer for the remake of The Crazies, which was attached to the The Wolfman when I saw it last week. Another remake that tops the original (forgive me, George)?
You know what could use a really great modern interpretation? Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. I think it would work great as a modern-day retelling. Perhaps the good doctor would be a genetics researcher or something. And Ivy could be a stripper. Casting ideas, anyone? And please don't bring up that 50 Cent/Forrest Whittaker abortion, either.
- Time to get infuriated, it's the Saturn Award nominees! Last year, Hellboy II won for Best Horror Movie. Yeah, I know... And this year's nominees include New Moon, kids!
So, what, are we up to about... 347 zombie short story anthologies now? Just wondering.
- If you had told me a couple years ago that there would be a remake of I Spit on Your Grave, let alone one with a theatrical release, I'd have said you were crazy. Actually, I probably would still say you were crazy even if you didn't tell me that.
- It's official. There is no such thing as a bad Hammer film. Even their more mediocre entries are well worth my time.
- I was finally able to watch the Spanish-language Universal Dracula. I'd have to say, a bit better shot than the Tod Browning version. Most of the supporting players are superior, especially Eduardo Arozamena as Van Helsing. Pablo Alvarez Rubio approaches the greatness of Dwight Frye as Renfield, with a totally different interpretation. But Carlos Villarias is unworthy of tying Bela Lugosi's cravat. Plus, I knew enough of the plot to watch it without subtitles, which I think is pretty cool.
- Cyber Horror Awards Reminder: Two weeks to go until winners are announced for the best in 2009 horror movies. Bloggers/writers, make sure to get those ballots in!
Congratulations go out to the Vault's sister blog, Day of the Woman, which celebrated its first anniversary yesterday! In celebration of the event, BJ-C has officially launched Tea Party of the Dead (that's TPotD to you), a new conglomerate of female horror bloggers.
I have just returned from Shutter Island. Interesting experience to say the least. I'm undecided about writing a review though! Marty is an interesting fellow, and I officially want to do Leo, yes I know it took me longer than the average woman! Ok that's all.
Re: Modern interpretation of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Rolfe Kanefsky made a flick called "Jaqueline Hyde" that provides an interesting take on the story. It's an odd mix of a feminist approach and a Skinemax flick. What? Those two approaches are at odds? Maybe so...but maybe not.
Maybe it's just me, but it feels like they're remaking and re-imagining Jekyll & Hyde all the time, mainly as obscure B-movies and TV-movies.
It would be cool with a new big budget version, though. Richard E Grant turns into Brad Dourif, or something like that...
Boy are you late to the game Andre! I'd say most of your gender wanted to do him after Titanic... But in all fairness, you were probably in the fifth grade at the time.
Curious to read your reactions though, I say review it!
Ron, I've never heard of that version, I'll have to look for it.
And Pidde, I like those casting ideas, especially Dourif. Hyde was NOT supposed to be a giant, he was actually supposed to be a more diminutive version of Jekyll.
The British TV series "Jekyll" was interesting, as a modern interpretation of Jekyll & Hyde. Thought it went off the rails at the end though.
I WAS in 5th grade hah. But fully capable of loving hot men (my first "boyfriend" was marky mark and I was in 1st grade then...) I believe the main deterrence I just can't be attracted to blondies! But he has nicely transitioned to a brunette so cha-ching!
I'll think about it! I know what I want to say but I'm afraid it'll get too spoilery. So I may wait until more people have seen it.
I got the I Spit script...I have no freaking clue how its going to make it into theatres. It's NUTS.
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