* * * * * * * * * *
Now that I've got that out of my system, a very special thank-you goes out to VoH associate BJ-C of Day of the Woman, and her awesome photographer Kendall Covek. BJ has graciously volunteered to model the Vault's brand-new official T-shirt. For more info on ordering (and more pix from the shoot) see the top of the sidebar. Thanks, Beej!!!

that is all
Thanks, guys, much appreciated. Whew, that felt good!
I pleases me that you wore a tie for this. It sends a "Vault is an all-pro operation" vibe that I, for one, appreciate.
Nice opening shot for the vlog! I look forward to more.
Right on and somehow hilarious. I love this.
Thanks for speaking what so many of us think when reading the comments on opinion pieces on any number of websites.
I doff my hat, sir.
Here, here sir. There is also such a thing as manners and decorum when expressing one's opinion, or commenting on the opinion of another.
Keep up the good work.
Ms Harker
Oh believe me, that's a whole other topic! The internet has bred a generation without regard for social decorum and tact.
the thing did not have to be 12 minutes long for the love of god. talk about horror! love, B-Sol's sister
oops, now i'm one of those rude commenters too! : )
Yeah, thanks for proving my point, Kris :-)
Hey, everyone needs a good rant now and then. If it makes you feel any better, the thing took FOREVER to upload, and drove me totally nuts.
Well said B. Well said.
But you're wrong.
Perhaps I should have added a sarcasm denoting smiley to that.... :)
I didn't really know what you were talking about at first, but then I read your list of the 10 best non-zombies in zombie movies. I can't believe that some posters were annoyed that you didn't explicitly say "This list is only my opinion, and not absolute." It makes my brain hurt.
Yes, Gord, sarcasm is often lost on typed-out comments lol.
And Jonathan, believe me, I share your pain. Much has been lost in the art of human discourse...
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