My seven-year-old daughter, a budding vampire aficionado (I'm watching out for goth tendencies from now) was pretty damn psyched, and insisted we watch it together. Pretty sweet, right? Well, the catch is that she is still, after all, a seven-year-old girl, and on this particular night it just so happened that the allure of androgynous boys and painfully bad comedy on what passes for the Disney Channel these days was just too strong.
But that's what I have a son for, right?

And so, the boy, myself, and my dad sat down to enjoy F.W. Murnau's masterpiece--a trifecta of multi-generational horror fans doing what we do best. And it was indeed awesome for a time. The little dude sat in rapt attention as I melodramatically read the translated dialogue cards, and jumped at all the right moments: Count Orlock entering Hutter's room, stalking the deck of the ship, rising stiff as a board out of that coffin. That thrill that is my greatest reward every time I introduce him to a new horror flick.

"You put on Nosferatu without me?" she asked incredulously, daggers in her big blue eyes...
I tried to explain to the girl that we owned this DVD and could watch it whenever we liked. That just because she didn't feel like watching it, didn't mean I couldn't. And of course, like a good daddy, that I would be happy to watch it with her from beginning to end tomorrow night. That seemed to allay some of the feelings of betrayal that had caused those tiny tears to well up.
And then it was time to put both of them to bed, which of course, led to a full-scale hissy fit on the part of the boy, who was just on the verge of witnessing Orlock making his iconic climb up the stairs to Ellen's bedroom for his final feasting.
Imagine that. A seven-year-old and a four-year-old vying passionately for the opportunity to watch Nosferatu. There may be hope for the future of America yet...
* Special thanks to BJ-C, who never seems to tire of reveling in the horrific exploits of me and my little ones... Hope you like!
Fingers crossed when I have children we have similar encounters! I am trying to get my hands on the special edition of Nosferatu... must put more effort in, I'm off to the shops tomorrow you and your offspring have inspired me :)
Awesome post, man! Isn't that the greatest feeling?
I have a 10-year-old, and I've raised him right. A few of his favorite movies, off the top of my head: David Cronenberg's THE FLY, NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1990), DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004), THE BLOB (80's remake), THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT, SHAUN OF THE DEAD, THE FACULTY, and LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.
I have a feeling Layla is going to be like me. I may not be a horror + disney fan, but I will say....I watch wayyyyyy too much iCarly in my life.
and Jack is just awesome. period.
Well, iCarly is Nick, so I can let that slide I suppose.
And yes. He is :-)
Ms. Harker: I'm glad we've inspired you. You won't regret the purchase!
You should teach a parenting class, B-Sol. Well met, old man!
I am starting to take notes...
Excellent. Your kids and I could be the horror movie buffs of this century! If I have kids in the future, I'll show them atmospheric movies like Faust, The Innocents, and Nosferatu.
Say, when I'm done with it, would anyone be interested in seeing my Top 50 Horror Movies?
Absolutely! You'll have to share them, I appreciate your eclectic tastes in horror.
Since I seem to have fallen among list-lovers, may I recommend to all of you THE BOOK OF LISTS: HORROR? It just came out last year and is filled with wonderful lists like "Johnny Ramone's Top Ten Favorite Horror Movies", "Five Common Tactical Errors in Horror Films", "Ten Best Horror Movies With Gratuitous Nudity" and "Top Ten List of Films in Which, Wow, the Black Guy Lived!" The book is well worth the money.
My daughter (13 years old) would be all over it until she watched it. Then, I fear, she would be bored.
My youngest son (11 years old) wouldn't come within ten feet of the room if a "horror movie" is playing.
My oldest son (25 years old) would laugh, watch a bit, get bored himself and leave.
So, there you go.
Yes, John, I've heard nothing but great things about that book. In fact, it's been nominated for a Stoker Award.
And Wings, you have my deepest sympathies...
I'm glad you want to see my Top 50 Horror Movies, B-Sol! I should be able to finish it sometime later this month-I don't exactly have 50 movies on my list yet. I'll give you a sneak peek, though!
The majority of the movies on my list are from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Also, about half of the movies are foreign. In addition, Hammer films and Mario Bava films make appearances on my list. I'm sure you'll find it very interesting, B-Sol! I bet I'm the only 13 year old in the world that knows so much about horror movies.
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