Random Ramblings from the Vault...
- So they say the younger generation has no
interest in older films, and a recent post at John Morehead’s excellent blog Theofantastique seems to support this alarming development. However, while this
may be the rule, there are wonderful exceptions, and parenting plays a major
role here. It pleases me to report that my 10-year-old daughter Zombelina, without me present, took her mother to
the video store recently and asked to rent the 1945 horror anthology Dead of
Night, after having researched it on the internet. Warms my sepia-toned heart.
See, folks? If we do our jobs right, these kids are open to enjoying all the
classics we hold dear. As with anything else, they just need the proper

- Speaking of the brood, I had the distinct
pleasure of introducing the little ones to Psycho for the first time last week
(don’t judge me). I can’t overstate how much of a thrill it is to watch a film
like that, whose original chills and twists are so thoroughly known to us,
through the eyes of people to whom it is literally 100% new. They never saw the
whole mother thing coming, and I didn’t spoil it. In my book, that’s one of the
joys of parenting right there.
- A trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art is in
store for the Solomon clan this weekend—and knowing us, this means an
inordinate amount of time spent with mummies, Babylonian demon sculptures, and
portraits of martyred saints. Because that’s just how we roll.
- I’m tickled pink these days, thanks to a brand new app I’ve created for The Vault of Horror. You read that right—the Vault is now an app! Get all the latest posts, plus direct access to the VOH Facebook
page, contact info and more, in one very spiffy mobile location. Works like a
charm on smartphones, iPads or whatever other gizmos ya got. You can download
it at this location, or just scan the QR code thingy:

- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Why did I
actually think, with a title like that, that the film could be good? Maybe I
thought it had to be better, that it couldn’t actually be as laughably awful as
the name would suggest. I’m here to report I was wrong. Unintentionally funny
from beginning to end, and borderline offensive at that. Still, it’s not every
day you get to see a movie in which a vampire throws horses at Abraham Lincoln.

- Long-time readers of the Vault know I’m a great
lover of ‘70s era Marvel horror comics, especially that ever-lovin’ muck
monster the Man-Thing. I’d like to highly recommend the brand-new miniseries
The Infernal Man-Thing. It’s based on an original script by the late, great ‘70s
Man-Thing scribe Steve Gerber—a direct sequel, in fact, to his Brian Lazarus
storyline from back in the day. Seems the folks at the House of Ideas took
Gerber’s script and handed it over to illustrator Kevin Nowlan to finally
finish after years of false starts. And while Nowlan’s unconventional work took
some getting used to for this Marvel traditionalist, the finished product is a
can’t miss for horror comic fans everywhere.
- Speaking of horror and comics, I have to say
that the Lizard, as adapted in the recent Amazing Spider-Man reboot, was one
hell of a frightening villain. A little more Abomination than Lizard for my
tastes, but hats off nevertheless for a chilling characterization brought to
life for the silver screen. If only he had kept the lab coat on…
- If you’re a fan of classic animation, as I am,
than you probably have a special reverence for the UPA shorts of the 1950s and
1960s. Some of these were truly groundbreaking pieces of work, and for us
horror lovers, included such gems as Edgar Allen Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart.
Well, in case you haven’t heard, my favorite cable network TCM has made
available a collection of classic UPA shorts called “Jolly Frolics”. I know I’ll
be picking it up, to add to my vast collection of classic studio animation on
DVD (for the kids, of course…)
- I recently ran a poll to determine everyone’s
favorite cinematic Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and I was surprised to find that
Spencer Tracy won the race. For my money, he’s the least of the three classic
J/H’s. And don’t get me wrong, I love Mr. Tracy. But in my estimation, John Barrymore’s
original 1920 interpretation trumps all. With no monster makeup—nor any sound,
for that matter!—he makes us believe he has transformed, through the sheer
power of his formidable acting chops.
- Looking back now it’s hard to imagine, but this
October will indeed mark the 5th birthday of The Vault of Horror.
And in case you’re wondering (yes, you), I do have something special in the
works to celebrate. More than one something special, in fact. Stay tuned, Vault
B-Sol, why do you think people are still renting or buying DVD`s (or indeed actually going to the movies) at all anymore when literally everything is now freely available on YouTube or umpteen other film streaming sites ?.
Good question. I know I'm still partial to renting or owning physical DVDs. One of the reasons is that I prefer to watch films on a large screen TV, rather than my computer screen. Also, there is still something special about owning the film in physical form, especially with all the special features and premium packaging that you simply don't get with a download.
Thanks for the review of Abe Lincoln. I have seen the trailer and though that was an odd combination. The stunts look pretty cool but I did wonder if it was too silly to go and see.
Hey, just found this great site and I did want to comment on your initial point about the young generation not appreciating "old School" horror. There are definitely strongholds of us. I am 24 and my friends and I often get together for fright nights where we will watch movies like psycho, Night of the Living Dead and movies by Argento. We also loved Hammer films. We many mot be the norm, but we are young, and we are out there :)
Just saw Truth or Dare! Like a cabin in the woods with more sex and drugs
Very silly, Razors--and I just couldn't get past that.
Scary Girl, you bring a tear to my eye! Keep fighting the good fight, my dear. I'd love to hear more.
Scary Girl, your comments warm my heart -
I'm a fan of old and new horror - thought I prefer atmospheric and psychological horror to just plain splatter. I believe the human imagination is more
adept at filling in the blanks with really lasting imagery. However, to each his own and I believe there is room for all tastes, or distastes - however you want to "slice" it!
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