For this week's edition of QCK, I'd like to very simply wish a happy and healthy 60th BIRTHDAY (really??) to the one and only Robert Englund, a.k.a. the original Freddy Krueger himself.

As much as I'd like to talk a bit about Englund and his impressive career, the fine blog Monsterland has already done an excellent job, so I'll just
point you there. Plus, I have my grade school reunion to attend in Brooklyn tonight, and need some time to make myself pretty and for the grueling 70-mile drive...
And incidentally, if you'd like to read a terrific post on Englund's co-star in the original Nightmare on Elm Street, Heather Langenkamp, head
right over here. Just sayin'...
Thanks for the link B-sol! Drive safely.
Wow, I had no idea he tried out for the part of Luke Skywalker AND his buddy just happened to be Mark Hamill. You think Hamill drew inspiration from Englund with his voice portrayal of The Joker in the Batman cartoon series? Makes you wonder....
Thanks for posting!
Thanks for posting about his B-Day! I wouldn't have known otherwise! But it appears that he's 62 years old today, not 60 :}
Gasp! The morning news lied to me!
Robert Englund is the man
in a world full of psychotic, neurotic, and with all kind of mental problem murders, this one is my favorite, Freddy Krueger the most and best nightmare killers in the history of mankind.
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