King's original tale is being adapted by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, who recently revamped the Man-Thing for Marvel with the superb Dead of Night limited series. Aguirre-Sacasa and Perkins promise to play up the horrific aspects of the novel, as can be glimpsed in this little panel which depicts the effects of "Captain Trips", the devastating epidemic that wipes out much of Earth's population:

Pretty grody stuff. Personally, I could do without the baby--what with Robert Kirkman's notorious infanticide in The Walking Dead and now this, there seems to be a weird trend going on in horror comics. Anyway, Marvel's The Stand hits stores in September, dead babies and all!
That is my favorite King book - I'm guessing the dead baby panel is after Captain Trips takes his family away from the research facility and then crashes the car into the gas pumps in Texas. After the towns people get him out of the car they go to help his wife and child only to find them dead from the horrific disease. So the dead baby was actually part of the main story not just gratuitous baby death.
Awesome. I as well love The Stand and am really interested in seeing it put to a more visual medium. Especially since the mini-series was awful.
I just love this book.its stories are full of mystery.
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