Yes, things have slowed a bit lately here in the Vault o' Horror, but don't fret. The specter of reality may be casting its wearying shadow over my bloggery, but real-life work and responsibility won't keep me from you forever, dear reader. While I attempt to dig myself out at the ol' day job, I figured I'd pass along some links to recent guest articles I've done in other places, in order that you may get your fix of my pretentious blatherings...
Cushing, Lee... Fisher? The Unsung Hero of Hammer's Holy Trinity: Part of my ongoing column at The Blood Sprayer, Waiting for Cthulhu. This week, I bring you an ode to an oft-overlooked but highly influential director, Mr. Terence Fisher.
The Hump-Day Threesome - Euro-Garbage!: FusedFilm.com has a weekly column called Unhinged, and I was recently asked to be a guest columnist for their Hump-Day Threesome feature, in which I recommend three of my very favorite bad movies!
Kindly bear with me as I tend to the stuff that pays the bills. I've got lots of very cool things planned for the VoH, so stay tuned, Vault dwellers...
All work and no play makes B-Sol a dull boy...sorry, someone had to say it. Might as well have been me.
Tell me about it! Trying not to go all Jack Torrance over here...
Oh man, I feel your pain. Same thing here at this end of the inwebternet. And, please, blather away...
Why thank you sir! In the midst of working out a schedule to keep my blatherings flowing...
Thanks for the shout out link B, I love getting face time in the Vault!
Anytime, Chris!
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