I'm sure there must be some of you who care, so I might as well pass along the news that FOX has announced the nominees for the 2009
Teen Choice Awards, which are set to air Monday night. In what is far from a shocker, Twilight dominates, and the field of horror nominees in general is a sad testament to the state of the genre, and to the pandering way in which the younger generation has been made to perceive it by the corporate "tastemakers".
Teen Choice Award Nominees for "Choice Movie Horror/Thriller":
- The Uninvited
- Drag Me To Hell
- Friday The 13th
- Quarantine
- The Haunting of Molly Hartley

Drag Me to Hell is clearly the best of this bunch, but I'm wagering The Uninvited walks away with it. Just as I'm sure Twilight will beat out Slumdog Millionaire in the top category. The MTV Awards committed much the same crime not long ago, and this will be no different. Personally, I lost all faith in the MTV Awards back in 1994, when Menace II Society won out against Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, The Fugitive and Philadelphia...
As for the sparkly vampire saga, it's landed a grand total of 12 nominations, ranging from "Choice Movie Drama" to... "Choice Male Hottie"... Hard to even type that...

To give you an idea of the demographic, Twilight's 12 noms is approached only by Gossip Girl and High School Musical 3, with 10 each. I know, I know, I'm expecting far too much from these young'uns, and I need to stop being such a bitter old man. But these are the people who will one day be running the country when I'm starting to cash in my social security (if it even still exists then). Do I want my beloved nation under the control of people whose idea of a great horror movie is The Uninvited? That could be even worse than the baby boomers being in charge.
OK, nothing could be that bad...
boooooooo on twilight
Upon reading of the not-surprising award to Twilight and seeing the High School Musical picture, my large intestine has attempted to leap up through my neck and throttle my brain in order to save my last vestiges of sanity.
Frustrating would be a good word to describe that kind of shit, another word would be sad. Whatever happened to not conforming to what media tells you is cool? What happened to punk rock! This generation needs their own Dead Kennedy's, or their own Happy Harry Hard-On's to set their minds in the right direction! This is the generation that conformed to what the wealthy advertisers told them to comform too!
"Generation Spoon Feed"
The whole Twilight beating out the fantastic Slumdog Millionaire at the Mtv movie awards was the biggest pile of crap I had ever seen on television, and I watch VH1
reality shows! I thought MTV was supposed to be all "hip" and "against the grain," but Twilight is soo commercial, especially when in comparison to Slumdog Millionaire - so I guess they aren’t that up with the cool kids.
I posted a blog about the Prom Night remake for Paracinema a while back...not trying to plug anything, but it fits in well with this subject as I talk a lot about the current state of horror, and how it is driven by teens.
Stuff like that gets me all worked up (clearly!) and it would just be better to ignore it, but I do need something to bitch about, don't I?
You're not expecting too much. I still fit in that demographic, and our boy Soap Magic DEFINITELY does.
ps; found this for ya...
As a young female adolescent, I must say, you are not alone in your concern for the world.
Truly, even my neverending quest to traumatize myself as badly as possible, as many times as possible through the world of horror seems perfectly healthy in comparison to the desperate wishes of my peers that they too had a vampire stalking them, breaking into their home, and sparkling in the sunlight.
Strange, all the videos I watched in school about my 'changing body' never mentioned the high probability of turning a blind eye towards quality literature and cinema in favor of pasty young men lacking both a soul and a personality.
In conclusion: My generation makes me want to projectile vomit all the blood in my body.
HA, maybe I shouldn't be completely discouraged! Thanks for giving me a little hope, guys!
Wait, I'm confused. So you're telling me an awards ceremony made strictly for the TWILIGHT demographic does NOT consider it a horror movie?
Huh, how strange...
Oh no--is that issue raising its ugly head again??
No, just its obvious head. :P
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