Blog: Dollar Bin Horror
Hi my name is Rhonda, but everyone calls me Rhonny Reaper. I'm 19 years old and live in Cleveland, Ohio. I got into horror when I was four thanks to cable TV, no supervision, and Tales from the Crypt. The idea for my blog came out of necessity. My dad lost his job, I'm a full-time college student, and I couldn't afford to see new movies. So I relied on the dollar bin to get my horror fix. I couldn't believe all the great, classic movies you could find there, so I made a site dedicated to the almighty buck-a-pop horror films. Right now I'm in college for nursing, but my goal is to turn Dollar Bin Horror into a small, low budget production company and create my own Dollar Bin Horror films.

Well when I was really young, my dad got cable for the sports, and I discovered HBO. Tales from the Crypt was on; I had to be around 4 years old. No one stopped me from watching, so I became hooked. I didn't really become addicted to horror though, till I was 13 or 14. I was with my dad, and he said "Come watch this movie I got, you'll like it." That movie was the first Saw film. After that, I never turned back.
Are significant others generally freaked out or psyched by your horror proclivities?
I don't have a significant other at the moment. It's hard to go to the movies with a guy and get close when you like the movie more than the company you're with. I'm sure one day I'll find my knight in shining blood spatter, though.

In my life and everything I do, my mom (R.I.P.) is my inspiration. She was a loud-mouthed woman who said what she thought no matter what anyone else said, and that made me love her so much. In the horror genre itself, Vincent Price, Stephen King, and Leigh Whannel & James Wan are my idols. Vincent Price for his ability to bring a story to life with his powerful and haunting voice, let alone his great acting; Stephen King for giving me an imagination of the sickest kind; and Leigh Whannel & James Wan because the first Saw film made me want to make horror movies.
How would you best describe your blog?
It's a blog for horror fans on a budget. It has reviews of films you can find anywhere for a buck (some with links to download them for free), interviews with new and low budget horror writers, actors, sites and artists. And hopefully in the future, Dollar Bin Horror will become Dollar Bin Horror Productions, and will help horror fans produce low budget films.
If you could have the baby of one figure in the world of horror, real or fictional, who would it be? Not including Bruce Campbell/Ash…
Frederick Abberline (played by Johnny Depp) from the film From Hell. Also, if I may, I'm not a lesbian but I have always had a crush on Amanda from the Saw films... I would switch sides in an instant (but i guess then having kids is out of the question).
Why do all of you like Campbell so much, anyway?
I actually prefer dorky guys, so I'm not that into Campbell/Ash all that much...
The discount horror bins hide the most wonderful jems! I did however find a copy of Zombie Rednecks once that was, ummmm, less than stellar.
Later days,
Your page is so cool!!! I am following it. I hope to learn and work with you in the future of horror films... I have my new blog... http://weekendhorror.blogspot.com
I hope you have a chance to check it out. Stay Scary!
Horror Queen!
Weekend Horror
Very cool idea for a blog (as well as the production company). I'll be checking it out. :D
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