Random Ramblings from the Vault...
- It sure is a good thing I decided to do away with the bikini portion of Ms. Horror Blogosphere, wouldn't you say?
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: The Mini-Series? Count me in. Anything has to be better than the new V, which I've decided stands for Very Boring.
- High Anxiety is one hell of an amazing Hitchcock homage. Recently rediscovered it. Blog post to come...
- If Fermat's Room has taught me anything, it's that it's probably not a good idea to make a horror movie about math. Review to come...
A tasty tidbit for those who know they're rasslin: Looks like The Undertaker may be getting his own origin feature to take place in the Old West. Well, it's got to be better than See No Evil, right?
- I don't think Edward Van Sloan or Peter Cushing would be too thrilled about those stake-guns we see in movies like Van Helsing and From Dusk Till Dawn. Kind of cheapens the whole affair, don't you think?
- So I'm starting a new job next week, in a town which is reported in urban legend to contain a bizarre family of monstrous inbreds. Rest assured, I will be investigating on my lunch breaks...
Add The Fly to the list of remakes I once thought were way better than the original, but have since come to appreciate the original much more than I ever did. Anyone else?
- Totally forgot about the kick-ass fight with the giant octopus in King Kong vs. Godzilla. Hot damn, that had to be some of the finest special effects in the entire Toho series!
Yes to the original Fly! Not only does the main character have the same name as I- I can't get enough of the replay of the scene where she has to smush his head in that thing- forgive my lack of knowledge on what it's called my brain is too jazzed up about the Rear Window post I am currently writing.
Plus how can you not love that ending scene in the spider web??!
Definitely agree on The Fly!
i always loved the original fly! i had a thing for al hedison while he was in voyage to the bottom of the sea when it was out.
I think it was a printing press she was crushing his head in. And I met Hedison once at a convention, cool guy.
1) Bikini portion? Why not just have us stand naked while people circle our faults! ;)
2) PP&Z I have a feeling I will not leave my room when this airs
3) V disappoints the hell out of me
4) Original fly. FTW
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