So how great a supporting cast did Universal have at its disposal back in the day? Lionel Atwill, J. Carroll Naish, Dwight Frye, George Zucco... Just had to point that out.
You'd really think there would be more Christmas-themed horror films than there are. Especially more good ones. It seems like a theme that's ripe for the genre, don't you think?
The 2nd Annual Cyber-Horror Awards are approaching! The nominating committee will be getting to work next month, and ballots should be going out to all you fine voters in February...
Back to Universal for a second--Do you have a favorite Jack Pierce makeup design? I know, I know, so many. I'm really leaning towards Kharis from The Mummy's Hand.
So what's this about Natalie Portman being in the Pride & Prejudice & Zombies movie/miniseries? Masterful casting, if you ask me. Can't wait.
Can't figure out why everyone got so excited about The Wolf Man getting an R rating. Not all horror needs an R to be effective, people. The original sure as hell didn't.
Tim Burton's Dark Shadows is another project I continue to be highly intrigued with. Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins cannot be anything but legendary.
And on the subject of Depp, it may not be straight-up horror, but this new Terry Gilliam movie The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus has my full attention. God, Gilliam is such a visionary. I'd pay to watch car insurance commercials directed by him.
I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I had a chance to see Antichrist a few weeks ago. Not much to say about it, other than it was a well-made but thoroughly confusing film that was shocking for the sake of being shocking. But I'll be damned if Dafoe wasn't really boinking that Gainsbourg chick...
Relieved to hear that the Krueger makeup in the NOES remake will be almost all practical FX. I was worried for a bit there that we'd be getting a partly CGI Freddy...
I've seen Dr. Parnassus 3 times and it only gets more amazing with each viewing. What an absolutely amazing film! The directing is fabulous, the acting is amazing. It's just a great film.
I'm absolutely on board with Depp as Barnabas, can't wait for that one! I guess I'm like Rhonny - I'd sit and watch Johnny Depp pick his nose for two hours - and I do mean that. LOL
Rhonny, the Cyber Horror Awards are something I started last year--the only horror movie awards voted on by the online horror writing community, to my knowledge. Check out the site I linked in the post for more info. Don't worry, you'll be included in the vote this year!
My friend got to check out imaginarium of doctor parnassus last week and he said it was phenomenal.
ok im new so what are the Cyber Horror Awards?
Natalie Portman looks like the cover of the book AND a act :) LOVE it
I would see a movie o the life cycle of tadpoles if it Starred Johnny Depp XD
I've seen Dr. Parnassus 3 times and it only gets more amazing with each viewing. What an absolutely amazing film! The directing is fabulous, the acting is amazing. It's just a great film.
I'm absolutely on board with Depp as Barnabas, can't wait for that one! I guess I'm like Rhonny - I'd sit and watch Johnny Depp pick his nose for two hours - and I do mean that. LOL
I'm psyched to see Imaginarium. I love Gilliam's stuff. Hopefully this brings back the magic of Munchausen and others.
Rhonny, the Cyber Horror Awards are something I started last year--the only horror movie awards voted on by the online horror writing community, to my knowledge. Check out the site I linked in the post for more info. Don't worry, you'll be included in the vote this year!
I thought Antichrist was very well made albeit very pretentious. A lil Polanski, a tad Cronenberg.
Antichrist & a pair of scissors, enough said!!!
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