It isn't often that this bombastic blogger is rendered speechless, but I definitely was when I read BJ's kind words in bestowing the award to me. For those who haven't seen it, and for the purposes of my continued ego inflation:
B-Sol is my Obi-Wan, the reason 90% of the internet even knows I exist, the founder of the Ms. Horror Blogosphere competition, a fantastic podcast, fabulous vlogs, and the nicest guy you could ever know. He does it all, and he does it with class and intellect. I don't think there's a single person who doesn't like B-Sol...okay maybe 2 people but they suck anyway :D. 2009 was the year of the B-Sol and I thank him for everything he's done not just for me, but for the entire horror blogosphere. Do him a favor, BUY A VAULT T-SHIRT.Aw shucks. I'm deeply grateful for every word of that paragraph (especially the last sentence). And so, before I return to our regularly scheduled posts, I'd like to take the time out to follow DotW's lead and pass out the Fantastically Frightening Awards to some truly deserving blogs which I have criminally neglected thus far in my previous awardings...
The Blogger Most Likely to Pick the Triple Crown Winner: Fascination with Fear, written by the divine C.L. Hadden, horror hound and horse handicapper extraordinaire, is a bastion of infectious commentary--now with a spiffy new header!
The Blog That Tells It Like It Is: It's been said before, but Brad McHargue of I Love Horror pulls no punches, and is therefore one of the blogosphere's most unique reads. We may not always see eye to eye, but we can at least agree on one thing: Brad McHargue is awesome.
The Blog That Stands in Defiance of Communist Oppression: Necrotic Cinema is a fine blog by Uranium Willy, he of the Uranium Cafe. Not only does Bill manage to expound eloquently on all things horror, but he manages to do so while residing in the People's Republic of China. Take that, ya dirty Reds!
The Blog That Set Me on the Path to Righteousness: When I was just a wee newbie blogger two years ago, Karswell of The Horrors of It All was the guy who pointed me in the right direction. He's the master of vintage horror comics, and I bow to his general greatness.
The Fiercest Blog I Know: Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire is a virtual legend in the horror blogging world, and Tenebrous Kate is its dark, formidable Empress. Blanche in despair that you shall never be as awesome as she.
The Blog You Really Should Be Reading: From across the pond in the U.K. comes Stonecypher and her deliciously depraved corner of the web, Cannibal Hollywood. Get on board.
The Blog That Dripped Blood: Musings Across a Continuum is not only a beautiful looking blog, but it's also your one-stop destination for all things vampiric, specializing in pro-True Blood and anti-Twilight rhetoric. Plus Ms. Harker comes from the land down under, so the accent alone is worth it.
The Best Blog Not in the LoTT-D: Cortez the Killer spouts off his horror movie reviews from the esteemed Planet of Terror, a blog which deserves far more recognition than it already receives. Hopefully 2010 will be the Year We Make Contact, AND the Year of P.O.T.
The Most Impeccably Beautiful Blog: Monster Land has such a neat Wordpress layout that my job currently uses it for their official company website. Plus, Monster Scholar is just that, a scholar of the genre, and writers with unparalleled style and grace.
A Feast of Fantastic Bloggery: The Lightning Bug's Lair is jam-packed with terrific content, and is awe-inspiring both to look at, as well as to read. The Bugg has a knack for coming up with great features, and his blog is the kind that will keep you coming back.
The Greatest Concept Blog in Existence: Since day one of The Vault of Horror, and before, I've been fascinated by Pierre Fournier's Frankensteinia. An entire blog devoted to absolutely everything having to do with Mary Shelley's creation, in any medium imaginable. Need I say more?
The Blog I Can Most Identify With: Like me, Wednesday's Child over at In It for the Kills knows the struggle of raising a small child while also maintaining a horror blog, and she does it exceptionally well. Well, the blog part is readily apparent. For all I know, her kid might be wallowing in mud or something. Hopefully not.
The Go-To Blog for Horror News: Alison Nastasi has made news a major focus of Screamstress, and out of all the horror blogs out there, nobody comes as close to the big boys' sites in terms of reporting on the industry as she does.
The Blog with the Inside Track: Maweanne of The Spooky Brew is not only one of 2009's coolest new horror bloggers, but she is also a legit horror movie industry insider, unlike most of us gibbering wannabes.
The Coolest Thing to Come Out of Canada Since William Shatner: With a devilish style and an eclectic mix of content, Kitty LeClaw's Killer Kittens from Beyond the Grave has been a favorite of mine since the beginning. She's also got one of greatest banners I've ever seen.
Thank you so much B-Sol. It means a lot to me that you like my work, as I am such a fan of yours. The kid is not wallowing in mud but he is watching a marathon of Wow Wow Wubbzy, so I'm not sure what's worse.
Wow, I'm in danger of having my cabeza jump a few hat sizes :)
Truly thank you, thank you B-Sol. I feel honored to be mentioned alongside some incredibly fantabuloso bloggers. For a blog and following so big, it means a lot that you continue to look out and support your fellow bloggers.
And I think the Chinese have already proclaimed it the year of the P.O.T.!
You've made me the giddiest Girlkaiser in the whole world, B-Sol. Thank you for the kind words and an award that's making me grin ear-to-ear. As to any potential blanching on the parts of others, might I just posit that I find a certain pallid look to be quite appealing? It's a win-win, really ;)
Wow! Thank you so much for such an honour! Maybe I should make more of an effort to keep my blog updated for you! :D Seriously, though, thank you - it's really cool to be recognised on such a great blog as this!
You sir are too cool for the inwebternets.
Thanks so much for the considerate words! I'm truly honored.
I appreciate the award as well as all your support of my blog!
And if you need a Derby pic this spring just let me know;)
Wow thanks, I feel like a horror patriot. Things look darker day by day here for the net. Some chatter about a possible 'whitelist' being experimented with. The govt here seems burned out with trying to figure out who to block so they will make a list of allowed site. I if necessary I will blog from the dead!
Not sure who to send this too since most blogs I like are on the list already, but I will find a few.
Bill D. Courtney
Well, you're all terrific, and the praise is well-deserved. Thanks for keeping me entertained with your blogs. Erin, I think I'd vote for the mud. Chris, my dad is actually a veteran handicapper of many years, the sport of kings is in my family!
Thank you, B-Sol, for your kindness, your generosity, and your impeccable taste! :)
Thanks again Brian!
I would have to agree with BJ,
you have a wonderful ability to bring all the spooky kids together under one umbrella (or rather, into one Vault)
You make our voices loud and you help bring eyes our way.
And for all other award winners....
To be in the company of all who dwell in the vault is an absolute honor and you all inspire me to continue to add art to the nightmare machine.
Thank you to B- sol and to everyone who have a love of the macabre.
Later days,
Christopher Zenga
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