"QUITE SIMPLY, THE BEST HORROR-THEMED BLOG ON THE NET." -- Joe Maddrey, Nightmares in Red White & Blue

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Recognizing Some Blogs I Love...

The Vault has recently been honored with a couple of blogging award memes, and it's about time I recognize this here, and pass on the love to other bloggers whose work is more than worthy of some accolades.

Firstly, I've been blessed with the One Lovely Blog Award from the Y.A. book blog vvb32 reads, Nicki Nix of Hey! Look Behind You!, and fellow LoTT-D member Max Cheney of The Drunken Severed Head. So firstly, thank you very much, guys. I'm going to pass this one along in the manner in which vvb32 did, which is to give it to 15 worthy blogs I've (relatively) recently discovered:

The Horror Effect (B-Movie Becky)
Zombies DON'T Run (Chuck Conry)
The Deadly Doll's House of Horror Nonsense (Emily I.)
Zombies Are Magic! (Jennifer Parnell)
Confessions of a Gore Whore (Nos)
Slammed & Damned (Theron Neel)
Horror Crypt (Bloofer Lady)
All Things Horror (Mike Snoonian)
Dollar Bin Horror (Rhonny Reaper)
Trixie's Treats
Lipstattoo's Blog
GoreGore Dancer's Movie Reviews (Aleata Illusion)
The Demented Cheerleader (Anna McKibben)
mermaid heather
The Paradise of Horror (Mr. Johnny Sandman)

Cool, now all you guys need to go and pick 15 worthy blogs of your own to give this award to.

Also, from the ever-so-generous vvb32, I received the Zombie Chicken Award, which is described thusly:
The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words.
Now that's a coveted award if ever I saw one, and I see fit to bestow it, as instructed, upon the following five excellent blogs, which must now do the same:

Day of the Woman (BJ-C)
The Horror Digest (Andre Dumas)
Chuck Norris Ate My Baby (Matt-suzaka)
Classic-Horror (Nate Yapp)
Billy Loves Stu (Pax Romano)

Once again, thanks to vvb32 and Max Cheney for these awards and their kind words, and also thanks to the many terrific blogs I've spotlighted here, which give me far more hours of enjoyment than is probably prudent...

ADDENDUM: Let the record show that I have also received the Kreativ Blogger Award from both B-Movie Becky of The Horror Effect, Mawanne of The Spooky Brew! Thanks guys!


Rhonny Reaper said...

B-Sol...you ROCK!!!!! Thank you :)

Aleata Illusion(GoreGoreDancer) said...

Thanks so much Brian!!!=]

B-Movie Becky said...

Thanks! Much appreciated!!!

deadlydolls said...

Kisses, thanks, and lots and lots of cupcakes.

B-Sol said...

You're welcome, guys. You all rock, and then some.

Matt-suzaka said...

Again, thank you Brian. Happy to see I only need to come up with five more instead of fifteen! I shall place this honorable piece of magic on my blog asap!

Unknown said...

I nominated you for the kreativ blogger award!

Anonymous said...

Thank you most kindly! :-)

Unknown said...

Thanks Brian! I've always wanted undead poultry of my very own.

fallon said...

Thanks for all the love for NOS and blog pushing - we get so many hits from your site, and it's truly appreciated.

B-Sol said...

Well I think Nos is awesome, and so is your site. The pleasure's all mine.

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